Friday, December 18, 2015

Stuck In A World Of Black and White

At the time personally I'm not doing so well one of my friends isn't speaking to me she is going through some stuff and I know she just needs to be embraced by her family during the holidays and feel connected with people because when she is on campus it can get lonely. It's tough for me to see my friends upset and how I can't do anything too help them :( Yet the most annoying thing about the issue is she can get stuck in her emotions and let them control her attitude. That's where the title of
"Stuck In A World Of Black and White" comes from it's like she is stuck in the dark side (black), and can't travel to the light side (white) which is sad because at this point in our lives you should be able to get yourself to a better mental state.

Also to mention I'm still not over this stupid guy.... :( I know I should be because he did do me wrong but I can't over how sweet and shy he was which is what really drew me. Any tips on how to cheer myself up?

Love, Tay

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Divide Between Mind and Heart

Over the past few weeks I haven't really been my normal self because sadly I can't seem to get over a boy who I thought I had a strong possible romantic connection with. Now the whole dating game I wasn't ever really good at because in my early teens I didn't have much self confidence at all so I played the "Oh they will come to me if they are actually interested in me" until I felt like by doing that I wasn't getting anywhere so then I began to take risks and start talking too more guys which ended helping a lot because now I have few really close guy friends who are just awesome. Yet I also had some bumps along the road those being the guys who I liked that never worked out. The first guy that I fell head over heels for lets call him B, he was a jock who played two sports and was very popular. However we ended up talking and getting too know each other and I thought finally a guy really likes me and truthfully I was so excited until I started noticing he began to be really controlling to the point where sometimes it was scary to be around him if something didn't go his way so then I stopped speaking to him because hell no man will ever tell me what too do or how to act! Once that blew up I met another guy who we will call M, He was another jock he played three sports but also had a soft side because he sang and that's something that has always drew me in was musical talent. We had been friends all four years of high school and we always had this back and fourth banter with each other so many people were wondering if we ever would get together but it wasn't ever the right time for both of us plus we both didn't want to possible risk our friendship. Then I began college and met this great guy who we will call him A, Oh he was so different from anyone I ever liked in school because he was shy and reserved. I'd catch him sneaking looks at me since I sat behind him in class and I thought wow that's really sweet. We started talking and the flood gates flew up because he was that creative type that I think I have always wanted because not only did he sing and play guitar but we had the same taste in music which is a huge plus in my check list! Well we had our first date after many endless FaceTime sessions that went on till the early hours of morning. He told me to be ready by 10:00 am and that was the only thing he was going to tell me. So he surprised me that morning by taking me to Elmer's (He took a mental note when I said my favorite food was breakfast). Then we went back to his apartment (I said that I would like to see his world), after we got there I was looking at his selves of movies he had he noticed and said "Pick any one and we will watch it" so I picked Gatsby cause it's one those films that gets better every time I watch it. He pressed play and we got snuggled up on his couch well half way through the movie we both ended up falling asleep and when I woke up the first thing he said too me was "You are so cute when you're sleepy" I was hooked from there so I thought everything was going great until after Thanksgiving Break he told me that him and his ex decided too get back together...... I'll be honest and say I'm a bit crushed because finally I had this dream guy who liked me for me and then he's gone just like that. I mean the worst part of all this is that he was honest with me and said he still really likes me and didn't know what too do and at that point I took the mature road and said do whatever you think is right so I'm guessing he got back with her because I haven't spoken too him or wanted too I just can't right now... Maybe sometime in the future but not now it's still to raw my question is how the hell do I make myself feel better?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Concert With Bestie- Hunter Hayes!

Last night I went to go the 98.7 the bull Santa Jam which showcased James Otto, A Thousand Horses, Maddie and Tae, and of course Hunter and it was so much fun! I went with a really close friend of mine and she was the perfect person to go with because she loves music just as much as I do. So much so that she is willing to listen to anything once so it makes her open minded and I really like that in people. Anyways so James Otto told a story about how his grandparents have been married for 50 years and he wrote a song about them it was really sweet. As for Maddie and Tae I wasn't so impressed with I did like their song called "A Girl In A Country Song" it's a very sassy song and watching them do it live was fun to watch. Next was A Thousand Horses and DAMN! they are amazing like the perfect brew of Rock and Country they reminded me a lot of Lynyrd Skynyrd which I liked because I love that sound. They sure knew how to crank up the sound and just rock out so they did great live. Then it came time for Hunter good lord he was so freaking good like I knew he had a great voice but some of the notes he hit we're out of this world!! Of course he is quite the cutie as well ;) It was a night I won't ever forget <3

Love, Tay

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When Something Great Ends

Sadly today was my last day of music theory it was a surprise I thought I would have two more classes but with all the performances going on it was just too much so he decided it was our last day and that just made my heart sink because I really loved this course it was finally something where I could just express my love for amazing bands and songs that are older than me but that's something I had always liked with Rock n Roll was their age never held them back and they are forever young. I mean if bands like Rolling Stones and Aerosmith still touring at ages 60-70 age doesn't mean a single thing! It was acceptable to nerd out and talk about everything from Lyrics, Instrumentals, Key Changes, Production Of Music, etc and it's just what I have came to love and now it's gone...
The real shitty thing is that I can't take anymore classes with this specific professor because I have no musical talent :'(

Love, Tay

(The Day The Music Died For Me)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Looking Back

Today has been very reflective just from the new assignment we got in English which is where we have to write an essay a narrative about a time where we learned a lesson and I think I'm going to speak about almost not graduating on time with my class. It was by for one of the most scary times in my life cause nobody wants to not be able to walk with their friends. Going back and thinking about my time in high school because it didn't end the way I thought it would because sadly I didn't end it with my best friend who I started it with lets call her K. When I think of her I remember how we basically lived at each others houses every summer and how my dad would drop me off at her house early in the morning during the school week and we would just hang out and get ready together. Music was something we bonded over a lot because we loved to dance and it always just brought happiness too us but more specific was when she began getting into Screamo the band being Black Veil Brides and how after hearing it maybe 100 times I actually went to go download it because I started too really like it. So now whenever I hear them I think of how we would sit on her bed and just chat while it played in the background. When I think about those times I do miss her but our friendship is long gone we just outgrew each other which is okay that's one major lesson I learned over the years is the memories are what you get too keep as a little gift.

Love, Tay

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Unexpected Is The Most Fun In Life

If Anyone Wondered What I Looked Like This Is Me :) 

As classes are coming too a close it makes me a bit sad because I made some great friends in English and don't even get me started on Music Theory because I swear that is the most fun I have ever had in classroom setting before. As strange as it may sound I felt so at home because finally I got to speak about something I'm so passionate about which is music. Everything from the music itself, To Instrumentals, Lyrics, and how it was recorded in the studio it's so interesting to me yet I wish I had someone to share it with. The one person who would talk this way about artists and bands with me sadly faded away and aren't speaking which is really painful but I had to say when because a friendship shouldn't be that I tried to stay in contact but when the other person didn't I wasn't going to wait around forever the door will always stay open but I'm not gonna push it anymore. Well lets move onto a happier subject which is I'm really into listening to The Doors even since last class in music theory we talked about them being part of the sub-culture of Acid Rock. It's funny because when my professor said " Okay who knows the lead singer?" I rightfully said Jim Morrison and we talked about him through out class in such ways as how he was actually a very dark person even to the point of saying he was damaged in a way. If you look closely at the lyrics he has a dark outlook on life his lyrics I think were a cry for help but nobody listened well enough until it was to late and he passed away. He is part of a infamous club called the 27 club which is a list of rockstars who died at age 27. The list includes Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones just to name a few. Personally some of the best musicians ever are in these club the phase " Live Fast Die Young" is too real to describe these greats.

Love, Tay

Friday, November 13, 2015

New Artist- Alex Smith

I came across this guy because he follows me on Instagram so I thought why not I'll check out his Youtube Page and wow he has such a special voice that needs to be heard. He is a Country Artist but their is also different flavors that come into play sometimes his voice tends to be more on the rock side but could as go to the R&B side so there is a lot of choices in what kind of direction he may want to go for a full length album.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just Feeling A Little Off Today But He Always Makes Me Smile

For some reason today I'm just feeling a little sad now I don't know what for but sometimes there is just an haunting sadness that washes over me at the most random times. Now yes I know that I could tell somebody like a friend, or a family member, and or even just type it all out here is which what I have chosen to do. Yet it's not for any kind of reason I'm not venting to a friend or family member but often I can't describe what I'm feeling so it makes talking too somebody else very difficult. So whenever I get like this I turn too an song, TV show, or a movie to help me fall out of reality but to fall into another story that switches off my problems and soothes my mind. Today's choice was Chocolat it's about a women and a daughter who move too a small little village in France and she decides to open up a chocolate shop within the town but much to the Mayor's disliking it becomes a hit with the towns people. The women becomes a helping hand to many of the people in the town to bringing back the spicy in a fizz out relationship, saving a women who has a abusive husband, and also bringing a sense of joy to a grandmother by meeting her grandson for the first time. Also the story goes on that women meets a man named Roux (Johnny Depp) who she falls for and he shows her that being yourself is the greatest person you can ever be. Overall all it's one of my favorite movies of his so when days like this come around somehow he can always put a smile on my face. This is a interview with Johnny just watching it brings a smile to my face. In some many ways I think he is just an amazing person but the way he speaks like he really thinks about what he wants to express and I wish more people took the time to think through what they want to say because then maybe our world wouldn't be so harsh.

Love, Tay

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sometimes You Just Need A Day To Chill

Ever since I began classes my weekends were meant for getting homework done and making sure I had everything in order for the upcoming week. Well that wasn't the case today I slept in which was nice to not have to worry about oh dang I only have this much time till I have too leave and you know rush out the door but to slowly wake up and get ready at my own pace. Honestly I spent my day in comfy clothes just binge-watching Gossip Girl on Netflix which is my new guilty pleasure it's just so interesting in it's twists and turns. My point being that sometimes we all need a day while we slow down and just hang out it really helps in that you regroup everything and it gives you a better sense of mind. Also today was my parent's wedding anniversay so that mean's they have been together for 33 years like to me that's such something to look up too. It's a life long marriage and they are just as in love as they were when they got married it's just adorable!

My Parent's are #LifeGoals!

Love, Tay

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Why Make Somebody Feel Insignificant

Today I had a interesting moment that happened too me in class which was that when the group I was in was working on a assignment we tend too just spur out information about how to complete the task at hand sometimes for me it's really hard because their is this one girl who I think she is great and just really fun to talk too but it's difficult to get a word in because she is always talking. That being said sometimes when our professor is teaching or another classmate is going over an idea she tends to have these side convo's now trust me our group can very well be the group who much rather hang out instead of pay attention yet the professor calls out only our group and to the point where he picks on us in whenever we answer questions or rises our hands too add something to the discussion he will play the "that's almost right" card on everything we say and it is starting too get to me like how do you not feel bad about your intelligence after that? It's just something that I will learn to have to deal with oh well :/  On the flip side tomorrow is Music Woo Hoo! Last class we talked more about the Beatles but also moved onto Bob Dylan who can I say really can write a great song. Personally I think it's how he can portray an social issue and really get the message across in such a grand way. I also like his songs because too me they are pure Outdoor School types of songs they actually would play one of his songs before lights out and it brings back happy memories of how fun that trip was. One word to describe his music is powerful because his music made people stop and listen to what he was really saying and what was going on during that era.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Little Life Update

Sorry to all who read my blog but classes really got the best of me the past few weeks so I didn't have time to post anything which I'm very sorry about please forgive me! Okay enough of that lets you guys caught up so this week was midterms week which wasn't too horrible because in English we didn't have a specific midterm that we had to take but we do have this big essay that everyone is working on. The topic I chose was The American Dream and is that idea really dead? Personally I found it very interesting because I believe that yes of course that idea is still there but perhaps it's changed over the years. Since on Wednesday we spent the whole class in the library looking up different articles to use as research for our essay's I think I chose some good ones. As for Music Theory our midterm is just answering a few questions about our last unit that being the 50's so tomorrow my day is spent finishing answering those questions and then reading through all the articles and write down some points I want to speak about in my essay and hopefully begin the rough draft.

Now it's time to talk about fun stuff like talked in Music Theory was started talking about The Beatles which everyone seemed really into we got given this sheet of songs we are gonna look over but today's ones that stood out too me were.....

3. I Want To Hold Your Hand
The Thing that I love about this song is that it's just a simple love song that's really sweet and innocent it perfectly captures that era.

2. Yesterday
As for Yesterday it is really showing the talent of just Paul McCartney's voice with light backing instrumentals that is a song that is iconic in my eyes.

1. Twist and Shout
I knew of this song before but I didn't realize that John Lennon sang lead on it and I thought it was cool to hear his voice in a way that I haven't heard before.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Just Clicking

Well this is going to be a little update about life for me....

First of all I'm writing this while I'm sick :( blah a cold already I don't even know how it could start so damn early I hate how I can catch colds so fast... Anyways classes are going pretty good I have an high 90% in my english course I mean it's easy as hell I mean come on we are in freaking college you should know how to write a well read essay! As for my music theory I love it we just hit 1950's era so last class we talked about Elvis and how much of an crossover artist he really was because he did that Rock n Roll thing but has influences of country because he was from the south and grow up listening to Blues Records yet he also used a lot of steel guitar in his music which is something that came from Hawaii so that gave it an island favor. Learning about this music history is so much fun to me cause it just clicks so easily cause it's so interesting I wish every subject was like this for me. I also have an awesome professor that is super fun and just really outspoken so we get in a few laughs every class which just makes the class feel like we are just a group of friends talking about music it's a great vibe.

Since classes are going well I guess family life is okay too except today I had to miss a baby shower since I'm ill and I just saw pictures on fb and it all looked so adorable! Tomorrow is another family event hopefully I feel better in the morning (fingers crossed!) If not then oh well another boring day at home. It sucks because even if I text a friend she is never in the mood to talk and it seriously pisses me off because excuse me but I listen to you whenever you have meltdowns but I guess to talk to me is too much "work" to do. So fucked up just saying...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

When You're More In Love WIth The Memories Then Anything Else

For me this is going to be a very honest post because I'm really at my wits end with the whole subject in the first place. I have a very special friend actually she is my best friend that who has a whole other life that she is living and I'm not in it at the moment it really sucks. Knowing yes she is very busy with a full school load of classes, a crazy work schedule, and a significant other all of that takes up all of her time which doesn't surprise me because she is a very focused person but often I feel like she loses the people that were there with her from the start for example me. To be honest any contact has just stopped because I got so sick and tired of not responding or just "pretending not to notice" yet hello it tells me when you read the message... Just saying!  I feel like I don't have anything in common with her anymore and trust me I know how sad that sounds because its breaking my heart as I type this :(  Today I was watching this old crib's show that was showing homes of rockstars and as I was about to flip the channel it showed one particular rockstar that we have some inside jokes about and as usually I would just laugh or something remembering the joke but it just made my stomach sink in a way that I can only describe as lonely glimmer of a fire that was so strong that showed how wonderful our friendship was. It scares me to think is she going to even want too see me when she comes home for Christmas Break or if she even does because you best believe me if she does end up coming home and not evening saying a word to be then I will know that we are done because honestly I'm so done with feeling like I have to fight for damn attention... Who knows I guess we will see when the holidays roll around.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mean Looks Seriously?

FYI: This will be a short post but I had to write about it because I couldn't believe it.

So the other day in one of my classes I was just sitting waiting for my class to start since I usually end up getting there a half an hour before anyways I was chilling reading some of my book which is Slash's biography! I promise as soon as I finish it I will put up a book review because it's sooo good! in all the best ways ;)  Okay back to the story anyways I noticed oh I have about 15 minutes till it starts so I started making my way to the room then I saw this girl who is in my class so I sat down in one of the chairs that are set outside in the hall and as soon as I did she gave me the most nasty look I have ever gotten like WTF! First of all I DIDN'T SAY ONE WORD TOO HER why the hell is she giving me this rude looks? So of course I was super confused so I just brushed it off like okay maybe she is just having a bad day. Once class started we all sat down and my professor started teaching so class is going on and at least three freaking times she looked back at me I'm like okay seriously what is you're problem? Finally class ends and I turn in our quiz that we took and said something to the professor and once again gives me another bitch look by then I'm pissed so I just left because honestly why the hell are you give me these hella rude looks when I did nothing too you let alone say a word too you?

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Feeling Powerful

I survived my first two weeks of college classes which I can say that it's actually really enjoyable for me like I'm having fun. This week though had some issues like the fact that I got into a tiff with a family member because I asked her to give me a ride too school because I had HUGE blisters on the backs of my feet it hurt so bad that I couldn't walk very well and she through a huge fit and just treated me like an annoyance but it's nothing different cause I'm always seen as that through her eyes. Okay lets talk about English I made about three friends that we hang out together in class and make our own little group to do group work in. It's nice to fit in so well I wish I could say the same about Music Theory I love what we are learning and I feel so smart in that class too the fact of my professor said I have a great ear for music! OMG!!!! I heart almost skipped a beat because in my eyes that's such a compliant cause I take music very seriously. Right we are specifically talking about the beginning of the genre of "Pop Music" which actually came from this place called Tin Pan Alley is a area in NYC in the 1920's to 1930's. As for the title I lately feel very powerful perhaps it's because I let the mindset of that oh gosh my friends aren't talking too me they don't like me anymore cause that's such bullshit! We all have lives with school, jobs, family, it just takes more time to schedule to talk too each other. Also I just have been feeling more independent overall I think it's putting me in a better mood as well.

Life is pretty great at the moment :) -  Taylor

Friday, September 25, 2015

When Life Just Goes The Way You Want

So this week classes started and at the moment I'm only taking English and Music Theory or what my professor calls it "History Of Rock" and yes it's the perfect class for me because I finally don't have to feel shy because the other students like all of legendary artists I like as well. I think I have gotten better at being proud of the music I like because too bad if you don't and I will crank the volume to 10 and blast you out of the room ;) Yup that's just me. Honestly I'm so excited to see what all we will learn about because I'm not only interested in the music itself but how artists make records and what all goes into the process. For example we are learning about the start of American Music which were slave songs. Now I didn't know that they used them as alerts too others in case of a problem or escape. It's really becoming a favorite class for me :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

What If Life Had No Change In It?

Fair Warning- Talky Post!

As my summer comes too a close this weekend lol (I go back on monday) to college I found myself thinking about what happened this past summer which is a lot dealing with grief with losing my grandmother, issues with friends, going through all of my grandparents things, therefore meant a lot of time spent with my family which was actually pretty great because I always have filled my summers with friends as a way too not have to spend time with them (Teenager Ways) I guess but I think it brought me closer too them then I thought before. A example of that is the trip to Medford to visit my dad's mom and his family and for the first time as a whole family we had a blast it was crazy how much fun we had and I'm so glad I got to have that time. Another thing that I'm grateful for is my friend we will call her Brina really came through as a true friend. I can be a bit of a clingly friend because I always think well if they aren't talking too me anymore that they don't want too be friends which is completely untrue. The thought of everyone having adult lives and dealing with school, work, and basically just life was hard for me too lose that day too day contact but now I realize just because we don't talk everyday doesn't mean they don't care. I know if I need them they got my back! :)       Now starting school again I hope I love it because honestly I don't know what I want too do with my life but all I know is I want too love whatever I do. Classes that I will be taking are English and A music class called Music For The Listener which sounds very me since I'm a bit obsessed with music ;)  So I'm excited and I hope I like my professors (fingers crossed!)  Who knows maybe I will even meet a guy I'm keeping a open mind.  Honestly I'm strangely very happy at the moment it feels really nice. Too my surprise I have high hopes for this it may be my year.
         Okay it's time to explain the title of this post and it's because I have get caught up in any kind of change that tends to happen in my life but I was thinking what if life had no change at all it was totally planned out for you? If it was true then I think all of us would lead terrible boring lives because it's the little things in life that makes us happy like the way someone special looks at you, the smell of a family dinner, or a song that takes you back to the very first moment you heard it. That is the stuff that makes life so fun, crazy, exciting, and lastly different. No one has the same life you do so do something amazing with it!  Make memories and story's that you will tell you're grandkids one day.   - Taylor

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Great Documentary Find- Let's Spend The Night Together

(This is one of the five books she has written)


Pamela Des Barres is one hell of an women she is a former Rock n Roll Groupie, Author, Journalist, Teacher, and Mother. I came across this documentary on Youtube actually and remember me thinking oh this sounds interesting boy was it! Yes she has had affairs with Jim Morrison, Mick Jagger, and Jimmy Page just too name a few but she said in her first book this "First and foremost I was a music lover and truly I just wanted too be as close to the music as I possibly could" and that is the most amazing quote because I think the word "Groupie" has been a pretty trashed through the years because the true meaning of the word is that you're with the band. It had nothing to do with what people think of nowadays. To be honest Pamela hates using the word groupie and calls the women who she has spoken with and about Dolls. I really do like the fact that she is taking back the word and really standing up for women who love music! Anyways I would love too hear from anyone who watches it so don't be scared too comment! :) - Taylor

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Album Review- Hollywood Vampires

The band called the Hollywood Vampires include three very famous men which are Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Johnny Depp. Now the origin of the name is actually the name for a famous club of rockstars who would lurk in the darkness of the Rainbow Bar and Grill in West Hollywood in the 70's. As for where the idea came up is that both Alice and Joe wanted to pay tribute to their deceased friends and idols that meant a lot too them. Many of these songs that are on the album are covers now trust me I know what everyone thinks when musicians do a cover album it's basically a sign of saying their done in the music game but not with this album. It's a monster of badass, sexy, and dangerous rock n roll that I think the mainstream really needs at the moment. I'm so sick of hearing that Rock Is Dead when actually it's not. A bunch of new bands are coming up and showing respect to their influences. Back to the music on this great record the first song I heard was Whole Lotta Love now I love the original by Led Zeppelin so I was a bit nervous but oh my god! the start of it is this slow, dark alluring with the opening line " You need cooling baby I'm not fooling let me send you back too schooling" then boom into the rest of the song with these screaming loud guitars but with some of the notes being strung out to get a really cool sound too it. Next was I Got A Line On You was a song I didn't know but it's by a band called Spirit. It brings back the element of Punk Rock because it's just all about the energy and live performance which is what Punk was based off on. After was My Dead Drunk Friends that was actually written by all the members of the band. Too me it was the perfect brew of Alice in the way he words lyrics when he sings and the deep low backing vocals of Joe and paired with Johnny's guitar playing it really is something special. That song is where you put on you're best outfit and walk out with this attitude of I can take on the world. Likewise is Schools Out/Another Brick Wall is straight up a badass anthem that was created by the master mind of Alice is saying everything that a teenager feels towards life. On a few different occasions Johnny has played live with Alice and the way he plays lead guitar on this song shows that he is serious about this and it isn't just another actor trying to be like " Oh Look What Else I Can Do" type of thing he truly has a rockstar like aura about him. Lastly is the song My Generation by The Who this cover is just pure fun and attitude. The songs that I have spoken about in this post are personally my favorites on the record but overall the whole album is just pure magic and I love it. I'm hoping that they will tour this because I'm for sure buying myself a ticket! - Taylor

Friday, September 11, 2015

Growing Wiser In Life

Fair Warning- This will be a talky post!

I feel like this summer I personally did a lot growing up emotionally in that I tried really hard to figure out how to deal with my problems and issues in a more adult like manner because I noticed that I can be a bit selfish if I don't get exactly what I want. Realizing this made me want to change that about myself cause why be down about something if you tried you're best and that's all you can do. When working on that part of myself I felt like I gained more confidence within me cause I stopped being a doormat and started standing up for myself and saying if I didn't like something which is important for me cause I spent too many years relaying on my friends for happiness when I can be happy as long as I know they got my back and I'm trying to be open minded in that this rough patch I'm having will go away soon and everything will go back to the norm. It takes a lot for me to be at this point in that I will keep trying to stay in contact but if I don't see a change soon I honestly don't know what too do... Talking about this makes me want too cry because I don't want to lose this person because they mean the world too me and hopefully they will realize that they need me too.

   I like this new attitude that I have because I'm really not saying I'm sorry for who I am? Sometimes I often tell myself too stop being so crazy and weird but actually I decided too just be okay with myself and if people like it then great but if they don't then they aren't important too have around. Never change for someone! Always remember that because that's how you gain great friends and meet great people in life. I laugh at this very moment because now I get why music is such a big part of my life it's because it's what I turn too when I feel like I can't keep going, it relaxes me, brings me happiness, and lets me know being a person that's in touch with their emotions good or bad is okay. That's why I think music saves lives <3  Can't wait too see what I do this year I have high hopes :)
- Taylor

Friday, September 4, 2015

Strange Things Give Me Hope In Life

I'm a really big fan of the 1975 as you can probably tell if you guys have read my past post about them. I find a real comfort in these boys they are so soft as in how they portray their ballads and I always say it's great music for when you're just feeling like giving up on the world because that emotional term oil is shown in the music from their own pain and struggle in life so too me it's saying " It's okay hun you will get through this" and gives a nice strong loving hug. Sometimes that's all a person needs to be able to work through whatever it may be that's making them feel so down. I can be a pretty emotional person it always made me feel like I was just weak because a lot of things would get me down and I didn't really know how too work through them. As I got older and more mature I realized that I'm so in touch with my feelings is because I have a huge heart and care a lot about people and honestly want too see them happy. Now I have a little bit more of a back bone and don't let people walk all over me I am done being used! Matty really helped me get to this point because of his care-free attitude and doesn't really care if he says something that others don't like. I like that now I will put myself first! He also made me fall in love with the simpleness of black and white photos like the ones I have featured here. It really does give a special feel too the object or person the photographer is taking photos of. Another insight on myself is I say I often find beauty in odd things or unique people because it's true why love something that we see again and again when so many other ways of thinking, different looks, new types of art, etc can be shown?! I will leave you guys with that question. Let me know what you're thoughts are on it in the comments would love to hear from you guys! - Taylor

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sometimes A LIttle Hope Is All You Need

Today I wanna talk about something that is really important too be and it is the power of music and what it can do for you. Now I never judge anyone for the music they like because who knows that artist or band saved their lives. Sometimes even a boy band which is what I'm going to be talking about they are One Direction. I was first introduced to them by a friend who liked them so I decided to look them up and watched all their X Factor auditions and fell so hard for them. Especially Harry Styles when I watched him sing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder I was not only amazed at how great of a voice he had but the fact that he won over the everyone in that room. Yes I will say he is my favorite one but I personally learned too love all the boys because of how great of friends they are became after being put together as a group by Simon Cowell. After they were put into a group they spent a weekend at Harry's house (This scene is in their 3D movie btw) but it shows them all gathered around a camp fire bounding as a band and forming life long friendships. When they started too get a lot of press they type casted the boys Liam (Daddy Direction), Zayn (mysterious one), Louis (Sassy One), Niall (Hungry One), Harry (Ladies Man) now some of these traits may be true but that's not all they are and the real fans know that. Real fans are true die hard fans that love them for who they are and for the mistakes they make because even though they are celebs they are still just normal guys living a not normal life. I do have to state that now One Direction is only four guys because Zayn decided to leave to pursue a solo career. Honestly it wasn't that much of a shock to me that he left because about one year ago whenever you saw concert photos he didn't look happy at all at least too me. I feel bad for Zayn in that he got a lot of hate for leaving because they are suppose too be "brothers" and I think he will always hold the other boys as his brothers and that won't change but he had too do what would make him happy because he really did look pretty depressed. Maybe one day all five of them will be on the same stage again but it's better for him too have left and still be good friends with them instead of him staying and ended up hating them right? Now for the music it's actually pretty great songs that they have made/written. They have created songs that everyone can relate too even if it's not what the song is really about it's open to interpretation. Sometimes boy bands get a lot of flack for making just silly pop songs but One Direction songs hold up to in arenas and stadiums being able too do that takes real singing chops. Another thing that makes them a great band is they are actually having a blast when they are up on that stage performing for all their fans, When they do silly pranks on each other or their band as well as just being dorky boys and drenching each other with their water bottle. That's what a really good band does is that they don't take themselves too seriously they know how to have a little fun while doing their job! I care so much about these boys because they are great mood lifters especially when you have had a really hard day. I remember two years ago like the last few weeks of May I was swapped with a lot of school work and stress of not being possible to graduate with my class but their music helped me pull through and I ended up being able to walk with my class which I'm so beyond proud of myself for doing. Switching back to the boys I think they give hope in a way too girls that their are actually really nice and sweet guys out there and one day you will find one who will cherish you for who you are. It's important for girls too have that kind of role model male who won't take them for granted sort of thing. Also who can not love an adorable brit or irish boy? I know I can't :)  They have hearts of gold every one of them and I never thought these five boys would mean that much too me but five years later I'm still a Directioner for life and nothing will ever change that! I can't wait for when I have kids and have a daughter and I will be that mom that drags her daughter too go see them and be like these guys ruled the world when I was you're age. HAHA- Taylor


I'm kinda on a creative standstill at the moment so what would be some things you guys would like too see? Please comment and give ideas that would be awesome! - Taylor

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Nice Change Of Pace

Fair Warning This Is Going Too Be An Talky Post....

This summer has been a world wind of different emotions now it could have been from still being a bit shocked that my grandmother has passed it's a strange feeling because put of me still feels like it's not real like that on a Sunday I will just go back to where she lived and have our tradition of going to visit her. Yet in my head I know the truth and it means their is a piece of my heart missing but it's up in heaven with her and my grandfather hopefully watching over their family. Honestly I can't get the picture out of my head that one day I will be walking down the isle and as I turn around to face the guests and see two empty chairs where there will be a dragonfly and monkey on each of the chairs to honor both of them. As for that happening I also was dealing with a lonely heart because my two closets friends had stuff too do and couldn't hang out and I took that very personally because I saw one of them make choices that she chose to spend time her significant other but didn't make time for her "Best Friend" I felt so hurt beyond words couldn't even imagine. It's not like I could tell her because I'm not very good at saying how I feel to people very close too me it stems from not wanting to lose anybody so I would just keep quite and hope they would understand what I was feeling but sometimes people don't pick up on that sort of thing so I'll just try too let it go. Except now I'm starting to be okay with it all thanks too the help of another closet friend that made me feel important and when I brought up the idea of her staying with me while my family was on a trip and she said those words "I will make it work" and hearing that it finally made me feel better and not so lonely anymore. It really did help my mood cause I stopped feeling so sorry for myself and too get a back bone kinda like the rocker boys I love so much just stand up for what you believe and feel. We are having a great time and I'm so happy right now! - Taylor

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Bringing You Back To A Certain Place- Music Fave Matchbox Twenty

Matchbox Twenty is a Pop/Rock band who writes really good songs with real meaning behind them. They debut album came out in 1996 so they have been in the music game for 20 years which is a little funny since they are matchbox twenty (Artist Pun HAHA!) anyways their debut album was named Yourself Or Someone Like You which had two big hits of there's that were 3am and Push. 3am is a song about how Rob Thomas (Singer) mother had cancer when he was only 12. He explained the song as that it was a weird time for him because he had to take care of not only himself but also his sick mother. But the beginning of the song goes " she says it's cold outside and hands me a rain coat she is always worried about things like that." It shows that even though his mom was sick she still wanted too take care of her little boy it's very sweet. Personally I have always wondered if it was hard for him to have to sing this song so often because it's such an emotion song. As for the song Push it's the more angry side/rock side of the band the song itself is just talking about being feud up with things not working out. I'm one of those people who always remember exactly where I was when I have heard a song for the very first time and it just always brings me back. This band was one of those bands that brought me back because I remember being little and hearing their music on the radio all the time but never knowing who the artist was. A little story about remembering hearing them on the radio is that almost every Sunday my mom, my sister, and I would go visit my grandparents. They lived about an hour and a half away so I would sit there in my car seat and listen to the music that was playing and stare out the window and wondering what the lyrics meant. I laugh now because I guess I was always a music lover just don't know I'd have such a strong love for it. My top six favorite songs would be Disease, Push, She's So Mean, 3am, Unwell, Smooth (Carlos Santana/ Rob Thomas). (not in that order). The thing I love about this band so much is that they can go from great up tempo songs to amazing ballads it really shows the talent within the band. Rob's voice is also pretty awesome he has this sort of growl and grit to his voice but when it comes to the slower songs you can hear the emotion that he pours into the song. I look up to musicians like him because he has the raw talent to be able to sing with out any backing tracks or instruments and it would still sound flawless. So if you don't know who Matchbox Twenty is totally check them out! - Taylor :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Do I Really Put On That Good Of A Face?

WARNING: this post is going to be talky/explosion of words...

Do you ever have that feeling where your in a mood but don't even know where to begin if someone asked you what was the matter? Well that's me right now and it sucks a lot. It's nothing at all but everything all at once too it's a very strange feeling to feel. Before I go deep into everything I'm just going to put it out there that I do try to keep all my emotions inside because I often think that it's nobodies else's problems expect mine so why should I tell them sort of thing. I know it's bad but it's something that I have always struggled with. Okay first of all I'm kinda pissed with my family because my parent's are going to Disneyland with my sister and her family in a couple of days now I wasn't invited for a reason I do not know either. Honestly I think that was a really rude thing too do now to be truthful I'm not much of a ride kind of person but for my nephews I would do anything they asked just to see their smiling faces so I would go on all the rides they wanted but to not even be asked if I would have liked to go is just really mean like what do you just not want me around? Sometimes I wish it would go back to the days where it was just my parents and me and my sister because that time was when her and I were actually close. I looked up to her so much I just thought she was the coolest person ever and wanted too be just like her in every way but once she grew up it was cold between us and I wish it wasn't. So once I found out about the trip my parents tried to sorta make it up too me and say that I can have a friend stay with me while there gone but I don't even know if I wanna do that or make it possible we while see I guess. Just like who the hell does that don't invite one person out of the family it's seriously a load of crap. Then to load onto the crap I'm stuck watching my nephews gineue pigs and I don't even like animals like WTF! I swear it just gets worse. This is something I will never forget ever and let me tell you will not let go.

Moving on from that issue and onto a better note lately I have been really into listening to Elvis I have his thirty greatest hits or top #1 singles and it's not like I didn't know who he was cause hello everyone knows who he is but guess never thought to listen to his music. Well I got this CD when cleaning out my grandmothers stuff and holy cow such an amazing artist I mean it was special during that time to be able to sing both up tempos and ballads and he did great at both. It always brings me back to a time where everything just seemed so sweet and nice :)  - Taylor

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bed Time Routine

Now yes it may be weird for a nineteen year old too have a bed time routine but honestly I have always been that kid who likes to know what's going to happen first. So this is going to be a little list of things I do to help relax me and get me ready to go too sleep. I hope you enjoy and maybe find some new products to try :)

5. Crawling Into Bed With My Laptop- Okay I know that it's not the best thing to bring your laptop into bed with you but I love to chill out watching either old Zoella videos or Hannah Maggs!

4. Getting My Room Ready- This has to be the one thing that I actually do every night the same way all the time. First plug in christmas lights! (story behind why they are up all year long- I read in a biography of someone I really like and admire they had pink christmas lights hung up beside their bed and it gave me a great cozy picture in my head so every since then I now my christmas lights hanging in my room), Next turn on the fan! I must sleep with a fan on for both the cold as well for the noise. Making my bed! Yes I know that's strange but I make my bed before I get in it every night it's just something I have always done. (Little Fact About Me LOL).

3. Pulling Back My Hair-  So I have medium long hair and one of my biggest pet pevees as you could say is sleeping with my hair down. I think it stems from not liking things touching my neck while I'm sleeping so that means: Hair Up in TIGHT PONYTAIL it has to be tight!, Usually sleeping in some kind of tank top with thin straps, and also some kind of headband.

2. Washing My Face- Both of these face washes are in my holy grail products for sure because they work so well. The first shown is a scrub with hydro bursting beads that helps wash away dirt and oil but also help hydrate you're face as well. It's also great to use in the morning to help really wake you up. (I also use it if I'm having a bad skin day) Next would be the deep action cleanser which is more of an everyday wash it's really gentle on the skin. (I use it at night)

1. A Nice Hot Shower Or Bath- For me this is one of the most relaxing things to do. I don't get it but for some odd reason once my body comes in contact with the warm waters my muscles instantly relax. I like to enjoy a bubble bath so some of my favorite shower gels are: Cashmere Glow, Velvet Sugar, and Sleep (one of the scents from bath and body works aromatherapy range)  Both of the Sleep and Cashmere Glow have very peaceful scents with sleep having notes of lavender and chamomile and Cashmere has a soft flowery scent mixed with a little musk so it's a very sexy smelling scent. As for the velvet sugar it's a much more sweet smell it reminds me of if you were to bathe in cotton candy mixed with fresh flowers. Also while I'm in the bath or shower I like to listen too music it's either between classic rock or Ed Sheeran lol yes I do know that's quite the stretch in the world of music.

Monday, August 17, 2015

To The Ones Who Think They Don't Belong

From growing up listening to lots of different kinds of music I respect all forms of music even if I personally don't like it because who knows someone else could love them and have possible gotten them there a rough time. In middle school a lot of Alternative bands were really cool at the moment one of them being Fall Out Boy. I started listening to them because my sister listened to them and was into those alternative bands so I remember her picking me up from school while FOB ( Fall Out Boy) was playing on the radio. I liked them because it was something different from the kids music/clean versions of songs that were played at school during dances. It makes me laugh at middle school dances because we actually thought we were so cool because we all stood around in a group thinking what we were doing was cool. To be honest I always seemed to be in the group that was "grinding" basically dancing where a girl was in front of a guy and the guy would have his hands on the girls hips and just move together. At the time we could not understand why the teachers or staff that was watching us were so stuck up about it we were just dancing. Anyways back to FOB there was a time where I thought they were like gods because I went through that nobody understands me and the things I like so they fit how I felt. FOB is one of those bands you can imagine playing in this shit hole little club and rocking out just because they can but also have the star power to play arena's which now they are. Also I may have had a little crush on Pete Wentz I just thought he was so badass cause of the guyliner and tattoos plus the thought of freaking out my parent's of bringing home a guy like that made me laugh so hard but now looking back my parents are so cool with anyone as long as their girl is happy which I thank them for. Some of my top FOB songs are: Dance, Dance, Sugar Were Going Down Swinging, I Don't Care, Alone Together, Where Did The Party Go. Overall they are just a good band with fun music, smart lyrics and an banging sound. You have to remember that they are in a genre that is being pushed into the dark by Pop Acts and EDM artists their last record Save Rock and Roll was their come back record because they stopped playing together for awhile because of having other things going on in their lives but when this record came out it was a great album and it really brought them back into the game. Lastly I liked them because they were not the norm and it taught kids to be okay with whoever you are and their is a place for everyone so don't feel left out or a outcast because their music brought people together. That's how you know when a band has got something good going for them. - Taylor

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Just fair warning this is going to be a talky post...

I'm at an odd place because I have had a very lonely summer cause most of my friends are doing lots of other things which I'm happy for them of course but I sadly thought okay well schools out so I'm going to be able to see them a lot more but I was wrong. By realizing this I felt mad to be honest because in my eyes I feel like it's cause they don't want to spend time with me anymore now it's probably all in my head I tend to over-think a lot it's one of my worst habits. Yet yes I feel sort of frustrated that this turned out the way it has but on the other hand I also feel like okay I have tried many a time to put myself out their to try to hang out and then also stay in contact so I think I have done my part but I'm just not really getting much back and it freaking sucks. It's one of those things that I wish I could stop caring so much about everything in general like do I actually have this much empathy? Is it normal?  I doubt it.  As for the other side of me I'm starting not to care as much as maybe I thought I did because why be the person that's only trying it's dumb and I hate that feeling waiting around like I'm some lost little puppy because that's not me I'm beginning to realize I can function without day to day contact with people I use to see everyday I guess that's what it means when you're starting think more like an adult ( Score 1 for Tay! )

I never thought trying to "grow up" would be this hard for some reason I had the thought that okay I get out of school and boom I will be in college with a great intern job making money and starting too live my life and honestly I wish that all actually happened. I feel like such a waste a person because so many people around me have gone on to do great things yet I'm over here just barley started it makes me feel like I'm not good enough which is something I have dealt with all my life. Always I have compared myself to people around me instead of me just being me now I may be starting to just be me and not caring so much about what others think because why let others win you know? The fact that people around use are factors in every choice we make seems crazy like why aren't I'm doing things the way I want too? Well I'm going to start and if people don't like it they can suck it lol
 ( Yeah I have a bit of a attitude on me ;-)  That's a trait of mine for sure but the way I look at it is that true good people around you would be like " Oh yeah that's just tay being tay" and laugh about it because it's something that's not going to change and I thank those people! - Taylor

Sunday, August 9, 2015

My Style Is Me

Style too me is very important because it's a guessing game for the public and I think it's fun to shock people. Everyone knows the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover" and we also all know we shouldn't but it doesn't mean we don't right? Many first impressions on based on what we look like and what we are wearing. Personally I think if you go out into the public eye you should be well dressed because you never know who you will met or what opportunity will come your way. Now don't get me wrong girls I understand that some day we are just going to throw on a pair of yoga pants and run out the door but if you have the time then put together an outfit. I'm going to describe my style and what trends I like to wear based on the season we are in. I hope you enjoy and get your fashionista on!

The way I would describe my style is soft with an edge because I often love the simpleness of a cozy oversized sweater with a pair of skinny jeans as much as a pair of leather leggings and a band tee which gives an edge to a look. As examples of each season I will put two pictures of outfits of both a outfit which I think is "Soft" and another "Edge" to give you ideas of what I would wear.

Summer- Summer is my favorite season because honestly sometimes you don't want to think so much about putting together an outfit. During summer it's okay to just throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and set off onto a day filled with adventure. In the first look it does show the simpleness of the clothes but it's still also an look that is exciting too wear. The clean crisp white short paired with the rustic purple shirt with different layers of fabric creating texture within the look. The accessories just fit into the look so easy with the over the shoulder bucket bag and the beaded neckless that's colors match the ones that are on the bag. For the second look it's similar to the first but this one is another look that I just love which is the simple jean short with a slouchy white tee but paired with a flowered printed kimono. My perfect trade mark clothing item in the summer is always a kimono because too me it's free flowing and exciting to wear which the way I think summer should be free and exciting.

Spring- Now I really like this first look here because at least in oregon during spring you don't know what your going to get weather wise because easily we could have all four seasons in a just one hour here so dressing in spring is often a guessing game. Yet I think this outfit works well because wearing jeans and a dress shirt is both cute and professional for the work space or even school. Of course I would advise not wearing heels to school cause it will be very hard on you're feet trust me I know I have done it a handful of times. I would actually pair this outfit with a chic pair of flats not only will your feet won't hurt but it can also add a pop of color to this very black and white outfit. Perhaps a neon color or even a print could add something exciting to this basic yet adorable outfit. The next look is something I would wear when the sun finally comes out and you can start to feel the warm sun on you're skin. One of my favorite ways of mixing and matching is using a flowered print with a more sculptured material personally I just love leather as I have said many a times in this post but I think it gives off a powerful, sexy, and bit of attitude. It makes me feel like I stand out in a crowd.

Winter- I like the first outfit because it's playing with the idea of sexy but with layers which I love because you don't have to show skin to be sexy if you don't want too. This outfit will keep you warm but you will still look fashionable. What makes me like it is the way the sweater/cardigan is wrapped around sort of like a bondage like style it gives off an essence of sexy by showing the natural shape of you're body without it being too much. As for the second option I'm totally obsessed with it's too die for in my eyes because it's that rocker edge style that I love so much. The leather pants with the Rolling Stone t-shirt

Fall- The first look is what I would wear when it's the middle or end of October when the wind starts to pick up more and it becomes a bit more chilly. It's simple with both the colors of the neutral tones mixed with the cozy accent with the slouchy sweater and scarf. An outfit like this I would call it an easy one to put on if you want to be comfortable but also chic. Now the second look has the same idea with the gray slouchy sweater but mixed with a ripped jean adds a bit of attitude to the outfit.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Expression Of Dance- Top 10 favorite routines on So You Think You Can Dance

I personally just love the show So You Think You Can Dance or SYTYCD for short and have been watching it since I was eight years old and now I'm 19 so that's a long time to really love a show.  So I'm going to cherry pick some of my favorite routines from all the past seasons and explain what I loved about each. I hope you enjoy it!

10. Donyelle & Benji Broadway- Season 2
Everything about this dance is just so much fun! Watching Benji in his zone just having the time of his life.

9. Travis and Heidi- Calling You (Contemporary) Season 1 This is a very intense dance emotionally it tugs on my heart strings every time I see it. It's choreographed by Mia Michaels and the way she does choreo it always has that touching beautiful story too it. There is always a meaning to work and I think that it shows a softness but also strong side to her as well.

8. Neil and Danny- Are you the one? Season 3
Oh my gosh the power between these two were crazy and that's what I loved about the strength that was shown was out of this world. Very dark but very sexy as well watching Neil and Danny fight as princes till one of them becomes king. A interesting and fun idea to create a dance to that's for sure!

7. Chehon & Witney- I Will Always Love You- Season 9   This routine gave me chills because I thought it was that good. Chehon is one hell of a Ballet/Contemporary dancer who's leaps and jumps seem to go on forever and his lifts create such a seamless look to the dance.

6. Caitlynn and Pasha- Samba Season 6
What can I say Pasha makes Latin Ballroom look so much fun! His turns and how he holds himself while he dances is just raw talent.

5. Dmitry - Solo (Pump It) Season 2
Well I mean I don't have much to say about Dmitry but damn please move your hips like that towards me ;) just joking anyways he is amazing at what he does. He sure kills Latin Ballroom.

4. Lauren and Dominic/D-trix Hip Hop- Season 6
Now I picked this one because I love Dominic I think he is a great b-boy but he really showed on his season that you can give him choreo and he will learn it and do it perfectly that shows real talent to be able to do that. Pairing up Lauren and Dominic I think was a great choice because the story they are suppose to show an abusive relationship and by the end of the dance Lauren escapes and is free and both of them did a great job at putting expression on their faces to show the emotions they were portraying.

3.  Mark and Chelsie - Bleeding Love- Season 4

The moment I saw this routine I fell in love with it because it was such a beautiful story to show through dance. A relationship where one cares so much about work he forgets and looses that special bond with his significant other. Once again the choreography done by NappyTabs
(look them up!) is amazing and they became on of my favorite choreography's on the show.

2. Katee and Twitch - Mercy (Door Dance) Season 4 This routine I became a fan of twitch because of the way they both went at each other it really portrayed how in a relationship one person just can't let go and keeps coming back but finally in the end it's over. It's a very fun routine to watch as well.

1. Ramalama Bang Bang ( Zombie Dance ) Season 1  I loved this routine because of the darkness of them being Zombies but also love the hard work as dancers to have to move their bodies in that sort of contorted kind of way it showed great determination. Also loved watching Travis in this season!

Monday, August 3, 2015

One Of A Kind

This summer I have been learning a lot about Antiques mostly because sense my grandmother passed we have had to go through a lot of antiques both my grandmother and grandfather on my mom's side sold antiques it became their special hobby they did together. Looking through all of these things I find so interesting because everything has it's own story and dates back to a time where everything seemed so much more simple. Now I have always been somewhat obsessed with past decades and learning what it was like during that specific time period. The funny part about me being so interested is that for as long as I can remember I said that I was born in the wrong decade because I'd wonder what if I was a girl in the 50's would have I dressed in a poodle skirts and little cardigans and gone out to the drive in with my friends. Or perhaps to be in a car at on the way to a diner listening to Elvis or Chuck Berry on the radio and once we got to the diner and ordered an ice cream then being asked if I would "go steady".  I also have always said that I would have killed to go to Woodstock because I think truly at heart in a past life I was a flower child because I love the whole artistic vibe that era had. Actually when I was a sophomore (2011) I had to take US history and I was so into it all because we were reading out of the textbook and I flipped the page and there was a picture of what the flyer for Woodstock looked like and it listed the performers that were going to be playing and I giggled to myself because I knew of every single person on that list and liked most of their music Personally my top two favorites were Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan. Yeah I was that weird girl in class geeky-ing out about something that happened over 42 years ago. For the 70's the thing that got me was the whole Glam Scene that was rocking during that time. Artists like David Bowie and KISS where wearing women's clothing and make up which for the time was very odd now I look at it and see they were the first people to bring in the concept of gender bending. That is where basically you don't have to look like the gender that you are ex. boys wearing women's clothes and make up. I liked that these people were trying to shock others because wouldn't life be boring if everything just stayed the same all the time? The 80's are a huge decade for me I would loved to cut my teeth on being able to see life on the sunset strip back then with these huge bands like Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Poison, Van Halen, Skid Row, Warrant all getting their start living and breathing for the music that they were creating. Also I love movies that were made back then like The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Buller's Day Off, Pretty In Pink, Labyrinth, Footloose. There is something about the way movies and tv were made back then that just seems sorta magical too me. Yet I'm not very big into the 90's I mean of course I will have loved to see Nirvana and Pearl Jam but that being sad I do love the all of Disney movies that were made and shows like Full House and all the nickelodeon shows that were created. As you can see of my examples I used music, fashion, and media like movies and tv to show what was popular back then also with some of my personal faves mixed in. I guess I will always love things like this that tell a story :) - Taylor

Sunday, August 2, 2015

All Shook Up

Today I'm feeling ready for Fall where I live which is Portland OR it's cloudy and grey and I'm kinda loving it. Now I won't lie I am a summer girl for sure once it starts to get sunny and hot I'm all about shorts, tank tops, flip flops, trips, tanning but there is something very calming and cozy about the feeling of Fall. Perhaps it's getting to wear jeans and boots again and sipping on warm coffee while walking along watching leaves fall from trees or staying home for a movie night and getting all cozy with blankets and junk food and enjoying snuggling in for the night. Stuff like that make me really like when the weather starts too change because I can be a bit of a homebody sometimes I just enjoy being at home. Aside from that it's that time of the year where comfort food starts to be cooked all of the family recipes that have been created over and over again for years and years. Food like that at least to me have so much meaning because in my family food was the gather tool for all of us to come together and spend time with each other. Some of my own families recipes includes- Sweet and Sour Meatballs, Chicken and Dumplings, Lemon Cake just to name a few. Lol yeah my family is really into food probably why I love to cook it's something that I find really fun and a great hobby. It's a hobby where you can have a few friends over to help and turn up some music and just have a party :) - Taylor

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Beautiful Look From The Past

    This is a ring I found in a shop isn't it pretty!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Music Fave- The 1975

The Boys names from left to right: George, Adam, Ross, and Matty 
The 1975 is a very interesting band because there are many standards that they are breaking because they aren't a typical Manchester/UK band that is cause most of their influences growing up were American. Many including Michael Jackson, Boys II Men, and Motown greats like Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson just to name a few. So when you listen to their music there is this underline R&B sound                                                                                                 coming through. A quote that Matty has said is " Our band sounds like if John Hughes directed a movie about our life". That quote is totally them too a perfect tee.
Album Cover

The first time I saw or even heard them was one morning when I was getting ready for school. I just prepared a quick breakfast and sat down to watch the top 20 countdown on VH1 then their video for Chocolate came on and boom right then and there I turned into a fan. I loved how catchy the song was and also liked the trick of hiding suggestive lyrics about drug use by changing the words around a little. For some reason I like weird and odd uses of normal words probably why I'm such a music lover because I always have liked how a different way of saying a word can change and or affect someone so much. Anyways back to the 1975, after looking up the band I knew that these four guys were going to mean so much more than I thought. Both Adam and Ross don't really say all that much so that leaves Matty and George to do the interviews and wow they are so insightful, smart, poetic, and just overall really cool guys to talk too. There was something I had noticed while first finding out about them which was I really do like music with a sense of dangerous to it. Meaning that music that maybe people in my generation (born in 1995 so that makes me nineteen) find "old" or "dated" I actually find really cool which is where my love for RockNRoll came in I'm sure. The 1975 have this air of danger about there music perhaps it's the essence of hinting at using drugs, sex, drinking, trespassing onto proprety stuff like that where it's like I know it's bad but I kinda that feeling of danger that excites me. Just everything about this band too me is very thoughtful and fun some of my favorite songs are Menswear, Falling For You, Robbers, Medicine, and She Way Out. Something that I thought was interesting to find out is that Matty wrote the song Robbers based on the movie True Romance which is one of my all time favorite movies. Both the movie and the song I loved is that you can be so in love with a person that it truly doesn't matter if it's just you and that other person facing the rest of the world to me there is something very romantic about that notion of only needing that one person. So to end my rant about how awesome this band and these guys are just go check them out! - Taylor