Friday, September 11, 2015

Growing Wiser In Life

Fair Warning- This will be a talky post!

I feel like this summer I personally did a lot growing up emotionally in that I tried really hard to figure out how to deal with my problems and issues in a more adult like manner because I noticed that I can be a bit selfish if I don't get exactly what I want. Realizing this made me want to change that about myself cause why be down about something if you tried you're best and that's all you can do. When working on that part of myself I felt like I gained more confidence within me cause I stopped being a doormat and started standing up for myself and saying if I didn't like something which is important for me cause I spent too many years relaying on my friends for happiness when I can be happy as long as I know they got my back and I'm trying to be open minded in that this rough patch I'm having will go away soon and everything will go back to the norm. It takes a lot for me to be at this point in that I will keep trying to stay in contact but if I don't see a change soon I honestly don't know what too do... Talking about this makes me want too cry because I don't want to lose this person because they mean the world too me and hopefully they will realize that they need me too.

   I like this new attitude that I have because I'm really not saying I'm sorry for who I am? Sometimes I often tell myself too stop being so crazy and weird but actually I decided too just be okay with myself and if people like it then great but if they don't then they aren't important too have around. Never change for someone! Always remember that because that's how you gain great friends and meet great people in life. I laugh at this very moment because now I get why music is such a big part of my life it's because it's what I turn too when I feel like I can't keep going, it relaxes me, brings me happiness, and lets me know being a person that's in touch with their emotions good or bad is okay. That's why I think music saves lives <3  Can't wait too see what I do this year I have high hopes :)
- Taylor

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