Saturday, September 19, 2015

What If Life Had No Change In It?

Fair Warning- Talky Post!

As my summer comes too a close this weekend lol (I go back on monday) to college I found myself thinking about what happened this past summer which is a lot dealing with grief with losing my grandmother, issues with friends, going through all of my grandparents things, therefore meant a lot of time spent with my family which was actually pretty great because I always have filled my summers with friends as a way too not have to spend time with them (Teenager Ways) I guess but I think it brought me closer too them then I thought before. A example of that is the trip to Medford to visit my dad's mom and his family and for the first time as a whole family we had a blast it was crazy how much fun we had and I'm so glad I got to have that time. Another thing that I'm grateful for is my friend we will call her Brina really came through as a true friend. I can be a bit of a clingly friend because I always think well if they aren't talking too me anymore that they don't want too be friends which is completely untrue. The thought of everyone having adult lives and dealing with school, work, and basically just life was hard for me too lose that day too day contact but now I realize just because we don't talk everyday doesn't mean they don't care. I know if I need them they got my back! :)       Now starting school again I hope I love it because honestly I don't know what I want too do with my life but all I know is I want too love whatever I do. Classes that I will be taking are English and A music class called Music For The Listener which sounds very me since I'm a bit obsessed with music ;)  So I'm excited and I hope I like my professors (fingers crossed!)  Who knows maybe I will even meet a guy I'm keeping a open mind.  Honestly I'm strangely very happy at the moment it feels really nice. Too my surprise I have high hopes for this it may be my year.
         Okay it's time to explain the title of this post and it's because I have get caught up in any kind of change that tends to happen in my life but I was thinking what if life had no change at all it was totally planned out for you? If it was true then I think all of us would lead terrible boring lives because it's the little things in life that makes us happy like the way someone special looks at you, the smell of a family dinner, or a song that takes you back to the very first moment you heard it. That is the stuff that makes life so fun, crazy, exciting, and lastly different. No one has the same life you do so do something amazing with it!  Make memories and story's that you will tell you're grandkids one day.   - Taylor

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