Friday, September 4, 2015

Strange Things Give Me Hope In Life

I'm a really big fan of the 1975 as you can probably tell if you guys have read my past post about them. I find a real comfort in these boys they are so soft as in how they portray their ballads and I always say it's great music for when you're just feeling like giving up on the world because that emotional term oil is shown in the music from their own pain and struggle in life so too me it's saying " It's okay hun you will get through this" and gives a nice strong loving hug. Sometimes that's all a person needs to be able to work through whatever it may be that's making them feel so down. I can be a pretty emotional person it always made me feel like I was just weak because a lot of things would get me down and I didn't really know how too work through them. As I got older and more mature I realized that I'm so in touch with my feelings is because I have a huge heart and care a lot about people and honestly want too see them happy. Now I have a little bit more of a back bone and don't let people walk all over me I am done being used! Matty really helped me get to this point because of his care-free attitude and doesn't really care if he says something that others don't like. I like that now I will put myself first! He also made me fall in love with the simpleness of black and white photos like the ones I have featured here. It really does give a special feel too the object or person the photographer is taking photos of. Another insight on myself is I say I often find beauty in odd things or unique people because it's true why love something that we see again and again when so many other ways of thinking, different looks, new types of art, etc can be shown?! I will leave you guys with that question. Let me know what you're thoughts are on it in the comments would love to hear from you guys! - Taylor

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