Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sometimes A LIttle Hope Is All You Need

Today I wanna talk about something that is really important too be and it is the power of music and what it can do for you. Now I never judge anyone for the music they like because who knows that artist or band saved their lives. Sometimes even a boy band which is what I'm going to be talking about they are One Direction. I was first introduced to them by a friend who liked them so I decided to look them up and watched all their X Factor auditions and fell so hard for them. Especially Harry Styles when I watched him sing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder I was not only amazed at how great of a voice he had but the fact that he won over the everyone in that room. Yes I will say he is my favorite one but I personally learned too love all the boys because of how great of friends they are became after being put together as a group by Simon Cowell. After they were put into a group they spent a weekend at Harry's house (This scene is in their 3D movie btw) but it shows them all gathered around a camp fire bounding as a band and forming life long friendships. When they started too get a lot of press they type casted the boys Liam (Daddy Direction), Zayn (mysterious one), Louis (Sassy One), Niall (Hungry One), Harry (Ladies Man) now some of these traits may be true but that's not all they are and the real fans know that. Real fans are true die hard fans that love them for who they are and for the mistakes they make because even though they are celebs they are still just normal guys living a not normal life. I do have to state that now One Direction is only four guys because Zayn decided to leave to pursue a solo career. Honestly it wasn't that much of a shock to me that he left because about one year ago whenever you saw concert photos he didn't look happy at all at least too me. I feel bad for Zayn in that he got a lot of hate for leaving because they are suppose too be "brothers" and I think he will always hold the other boys as his brothers and that won't change but he had too do what would make him happy because he really did look pretty depressed. Maybe one day all five of them will be on the same stage again but it's better for him too have left and still be good friends with them instead of him staying and ended up hating them right? Now for the music it's actually pretty great songs that they have made/written. They have created songs that everyone can relate too even if it's not what the song is really about it's open to interpretation. Sometimes boy bands get a lot of flack for making just silly pop songs but One Direction songs hold up to in arenas and stadiums being able too do that takes real singing chops. Another thing that makes them a great band is they are actually having a blast when they are up on that stage performing for all their fans, When they do silly pranks on each other or their band as well as just being dorky boys and drenching each other with their water bottle. That's what a really good band does is that they don't take themselves too seriously they know how to have a little fun while doing their job! I care so much about these boys because they are great mood lifters especially when you have had a really hard day. I remember two years ago like the last few weeks of May I was swapped with a lot of school work and stress of not being possible to graduate with my class but their music helped me pull through and I ended up being able to walk with my class which I'm so beyond proud of myself for doing. Switching back to the boys I think they give hope in a way too girls that their are actually really nice and sweet guys out there and one day you will find one who will cherish you for who you are. It's important for girls too have that kind of role model male who won't take them for granted sort of thing. Also who can not love an adorable brit or irish boy? I know I can't :)  They have hearts of gold every one of them and I never thought these five boys would mean that much too me but five years later I'm still a Directioner for life and nothing will ever change that! I can't wait for when I have kids and have a daughter and I will be that mom that drags her daughter too go see them and be like these guys ruled the world when I was you're age. HAHA- Taylor

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