Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Do I Really Put On That Good Of A Face?

WARNING: this post is going to be talky/explosion of words...

Do you ever have that feeling where your in a mood but don't even know where to begin if someone asked you what was the matter? Well that's me right now and it sucks a lot. It's nothing at all but everything all at once too it's a very strange feeling to feel. Before I go deep into everything I'm just going to put it out there that I do try to keep all my emotions inside because I often think that it's nobodies else's problems expect mine so why should I tell them sort of thing. I know it's bad but it's something that I have always struggled with. Okay first of all I'm kinda pissed with my family because my parent's are going to Disneyland with my sister and her family in a couple of days now I wasn't invited for a reason I do not know either. Honestly I think that was a really rude thing too do now to be truthful I'm not much of a ride kind of person but for my nephews I would do anything they asked just to see their smiling faces so I would go on all the rides they wanted but to not even be asked if I would have liked to go is just really mean like what do you just not want me around? Sometimes I wish it would go back to the days where it was just my parents and me and my sister because that time was when her and I were actually close. I looked up to her so much I just thought she was the coolest person ever and wanted too be just like her in every way but once she grew up it was cold between us and I wish it wasn't. So once I found out about the trip my parents tried to sorta make it up too me and say that I can have a friend stay with me while there gone but I don't even know if I wanna do that or make it possible we while see I guess. Just like who the hell does that don't invite one person out of the family it's seriously a load of crap. Then to load onto the crap I'm stuck watching my nephews gineue pigs and I don't even like animals like WTF! I swear it just gets worse. This is something I will never forget ever and let me tell you will not let go.

Moving on from that issue and onto a better note lately I have been really into listening to Elvis I have his thirty greatest hits or top #1 singles and it's not like I didn't know who he was cause hello everyone knows who he is but guess never thought to listen to his music. Well I got this CD when cleaning out my grandmothers stuff and holy cow such an amazing artist I mean it was special during that time to be able to sing both up tempos and ballads and he did great at both. It always brings me back to a time where everything just seemed so sweet and nice :)  - Taylor

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