Monday, August 17, 2015

To The Ones Who Think They Don't Belong

From growing up listening to lots of different kinds of music I respect all forms of music even if I personally don't like it because who knows someone else could love them and have possible gotten them there a rough time. In middle school a lot of Alternative bands were really cool at the moment one of them being Fall Out Boy. I started listening to them because my sister listened to them and was into those alternative bands so I remember her picking me up from school while FOB ( Fall Out Boy) was playing on the radio. I liked them because it was something different from the kids music/clean versions of songs that were played at school during dances. It makes me laugh at middle school dances because we actually thought we were so cool because we all stood around in a group thinking what we were doing was cool. To be honest I always seemed to be in the group that was "grinding" basically dancing where a girl was in front of a guy and the guy would have his hands on the girls hips and just move together. At the time we could not understand why the teachers or staff that was watching us were so stuck up about it we were just dancing. Anyways back to FOB there was a time where I thought they were like gods because I went through that nobody understands me and the things I like so they fit how I felt. FOB is one of those bands you can imagine playing in this shit hole little club and rocking out just because they can but also have the star power to play arena's which now they are. Also I may have had a little crush on Pete Wentz I just thought he was so badass cause of the guyliner and tattoos plus the thought of freaking out my parent's of bringing home a guy like that made me laugh so hard but now looking back my parents are so cool with anyone as long as their girl is happy which I thank them for. Some of my top FOB songs are: Dance, Dance, Sugar Were Going Down Swinging, I Don't Care, Alone Together, Where Did The Party Go. Overall they are just a good band with fun music, smart lyrics and an banging sound. You have to remember that they are in a genre that is being pushed into the dark by Pop Acts and EDM artists their last record Save Rock and Roll was their come back record because they stopped playing together for awhile because of having other things going on in their lives but when this record came out it was a great album and it really brought them back into the game. Lastly I liked them because they were not the norm and it taught kids to be okay with whoever you are and their is a place for everyone so don't feel left out or a outcast because their music brought people together. That's how you know when a band has got something good going for them. - Taylor

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