Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just Feeling A Little Off Today But He Always Makes Me Smile

For some reason today I'm just feeling a little sad now I don't know what for but sometimes there is just an haunting sadness that washes over me at the most random times. Now yes I know that I could tell somebody like a friend, or a family member, and or even just type it all out here is which what I have chosen to do. Yet it's not for any kind of reason I'm not venting to a friend or family member but often I can't describe what I'm feeling so it makes talking too somebody else very difficult. So whenever I get like this I turn too an song, TV show, or a movie to help me fall out of reality but to fall into another story that switches off my problems and soothes my mind. Today's choice was Chocolat it's about a women and a daughter who move too a small little village in France and she decides to open up a chocolate shop within the town but much to the Mayor's disliking it becomes a hit with the towns people. The women becomes a helping hand to many of the people in the town to bringing back the spicy in a fizz out relationship, saving a women who has a abusive husband, and also bringing a sense of joy to a grandmother by meeting her grandson for the first time. Also the story goes on that women meets a man named Roux (Johnny Depp) who she falls for and he shows her that being yourself is the greatest person you can ever be. Overall all it's one of my favorite movies of his so when days like this come around somehow he can always put a smile on my face.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3wmh7w7iMQ- This is a interview with Johnny just watching it brings a smile to my face. In some many ways I think he is just an amazing person but the way he speaks like he really thinks about what he wants to express and I wish more people took the time to think through what they want to say because then maybe our world wouldn't be so harsh.

Love, Tay

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