Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Why Make Somebody Feel Insignificant

Today I had a interesting moment that happened too me in class which was that when the group I was in was working on a assignment we tend too just spur out information about how to complete the task at hand sometimes for me it's really hard because their is this one girl who I think she is great and just really fun to talk too but it's difficult to get a word in because she is always talking. That being said sometimes when our professor is teaching or another classmate is going over an idea she tends to have these side convo's now trust me our group can very well be the group who much rather hang out instead of pay attention yet the professor calls out only our group and to the point where he picks on us in whenever we answer questions or rises our hands too add something to the discussion he will play the "that's almost right" card on everything we say and it is starting too get to me like how do you not feel bad about your intelligence after that? It's just something that I will learn to have to deal with oh well :/  On the flip side tomorrow is Music Woo Hoo! Last class we talked more about the Beatles but also moved onto Bob Dylan who can I say really can write a great song. Personally I think it's how he can portray an social issue and really get the message across in such a grand way. I also like his songs because too me they are pure Outdoor School types of songs they actually would play one of his songs before lights out and it brings back happy memories of how fun that trip was. One word to describe his music is powerful because his music made people stop and listen to what he was really saying and what was going on during that era.

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