Thursday, October 29, 2015

Little Life Update

Sorry to all who read my blog but classes really got the best of me the past few weeks so I didn't have time to post anything which I'm very sorry about please forgive me! Okay enough of that lets you guys caught up so this week was midterms week which wasn't too horrible because in English we didn't have a specific midterm that we had to take but we do have this big essay that everyone is working on. The topic I chose was The American Dream and is that idea really dead? Personally I found it very interesting because I believe that yes of course that idea is still there but perhaps it's changed over the years. Since on Wednesday we spent the whole class in the library looking up different articles to use as research for our essay's I think I chose some good ones. As for Music Theory our midterm is just answering a few questions about our last unit that being the 50's so tomorrow my day is spent finishing answering those questions and then reading through all the articles and write down some points I want to speak about in my essay and hopefully begin the rough draft.

Now it's time to talk about fun stuff like talked in Music Theory was started talking about The Beatles which everyone seemed really into we got given this sheet of songs we are gonna look over but today's ones that stood out too me were.....

3. I Want To Hold Your Hand
The Thing that I love about this song is that it's just a simple love song that's really sweet and innocent it perfectly captures that era.

2. Yesterday
As for Yesterday it is really showing the talent of just Paul McCartney's voice with light backing instrumentals that is a song that is iconic in my eyes.

1. Twist and Shout
I knew of this song before but I didn't realize that John Lennon sang lead on it and I thought it was cool to hear his voice in a way that I haven't heard before.

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