Saturday, October 17, 2015

Just Clicking

Well this is going to be a little update about life for me....

First of all I'm writing this while I'm sick :( blah a cold already I don't even know how it could start so damn early I hate how I can catch colds so fast... Anyways classes are going pretty good I have an high 90% in my english course I mean it's easy as hell I mean come on we are in freaking college you should know how to write a well read essay! As for my music theory I love it we just hit 1950's era so last class we talked about Elvis and how much of an crossover artist he really was because he did that Rock n Roll thing but has influences of country because he was from the south and grow up listening to Blues Records yet he also used a lot of steel guitar in his music which is something that came from Hawaii so that gave it an island favor. Learning about this music history is so much fun to me cause it just clicks so easily cause it's so interesting I wish every subject was like this for me. I also have an awesome professor that is super fun and just really outspoken so we get in a few laughs every class which just makes the class feel like we are just a group of friends talking about music it's a great vibe.

Since classes are going well I guess family life is okay too except today I had to miss a baby shower since I'm ill and I just saw pictures on fb and it all looked so adorable! Tomorrow is another family event hopefully I feel better in the morning (fingers crossed!) If not then oh well another boring day at home. It sucks because even if I text a friend she is never in the mood to talk and it seriously pisses me off because excuse me but I listen to you whenever you have meltdowns but I guess to talk to me is too much "work" to do. So fucked up just saying...

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