Tuesday, August 30, 2016

To Have A Bad Day

FYI- Talky Post

Yesterday, I had a bad day now nothing happened to create a bad day all though I felt really down. I'm a very emotional person therefore I feel lots of emotions at one time which I have always said it's both a blessing and a curse because of that it's a blessing because I think I can relate to lots of different kinds of people I've never really liked what was considered "normal" its the people who are different that have the best stories too tell and you can always learn something from them wether you know it or not. There we're many reasons as to why I was having a bad day one was how I looked. Now I wasn't going anywhere that day it was just a chilled out day at home so usually I throw my hair up into a high pony tail and don't have any make up on. Well I must have tried putting my hair up at least 10 times and couldn't get it how I wanted it.. then while looking the mirror I just kept seeing my acne scars and I was breaking out and I had some new spots and for some reason I just couldn't get past it so I felt ugly. I rarely feel ugly that kind of ugliness where all you want is to curl up and have no one see you but I did which is dangerous for me because my mind will make problems out of nothing so the problem that arose was that I use filters on my Instagram or Snapchat pics not because I like how they look and change my features a bit but because I need to cover up how I really look when my face is bare and I don't have my hair to hid behind. It's a very self-destructive way of thinking and it sort of ate me up inside and really made me feel low. The point to the story is that it's perfectly okay to have bad days and to sit in a bad mood especially if that's how you work out of that kind of headspace the best. I hate it when there's that one friend in you're group of friends who is always super happy/positive who doesn't understand that not everyone is like them and they need to deal with how they know best. Don't get me wrong if I wanted to be cheered up or talk through something I could of texted my closest friend "S" who I know is always there for me to help me but I just wanted to stay in that sadness and the next day I woke up in a much happier mood and I was just fine sometimes we just need to have a bad day....

Love, Tay

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