Monday, August 8, 2016

What You Don’t Know

Write about a secret you’ve kept from someone else or how you feel when you know someone is keeping a secret from you.

Okay, this is an interesting deal because we all know secrets can go both ways meaning you could be keeping a secret from somebody or someone could be keeping the secret from you anyways it's tough either way because most of the time secrets don't end well for most people. A secret I have kept was that I started chatting with a guy I knew one of my friends liked a lot. Of course I knew it was wrong because this friend of mine was a very close friend who was there for me when nobody else was but on the other had she never really had a chance with this guy because they were so completely different from each other he just didn't have romantic feelings for her. Trust me if he would have been like "hey I like you're friend" I would have totally backed off cause hello girl-code! The issue was he told my friend that he didn't like her in that sort of way and then she started to over-obsess about him she couldn't take the rejection which I do understand because being rejected from anybody really sucks but to then be rejected by one of the cutest guys in school is some major embarrassment. That's the reason why I kept the secret from her that I was still speaking to him after the whole her confessing her feelings to him didn't go well I didn't want it to look like I didn't care at all because I did it's just that I was also his friend as well so really I was caught in between a rock and a hard place. It's crazy to think now that me and this "friend" don't even talk anymore the last time I did was the week of finals before summer my junior year of high school. Why we aren't friends is because no matter what happened whenever there was an issue in her life she always would blame me for being said problem first of all that's just beyond stupid because she is the one who makes the choices in her life so why the was she blaming me?

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