Thursday, August 25, 2016

Space Never Fills The Void

FYI- Talky Post

Recently I put a status on fb that said "Look back on the past as not how much you miss how it use to be but look at how far you have came." That is something I'm trying to live by because I often get stuck in the past because memories have a very special place in my heart it's where some of the best stories are told, where I've laughed the hardest, or where I thought life couldn't get any better than it was in that very moment. I guess I'm a very reflective person but with being an emotional person it's not always a good thing to think about the past. Sadly I've been hurt in the past especially with friendships as anyone who reads my blog knows but having somebody who was my best friend (I don't say that word lightly) someone who I would have done anything for to leave me for a life that she's always wanted. Meaning living with a boyfriend who makes her very happy so she has him and the bunch of new friends she has made in her town 600 miles away it's gotten to the point where we just wish each other a happy birthday to go from that and thinking about how we'd talk all day everyday it's sad but that's how adult life goes people get caught up in day to day life and sometimes forget the people that they once use to care very much about. I still hope sometimes she thinks of me when something reminds her of me. Also my next closet friend is going away for 3 months on a student aboard program and doesn't come back till late December and I'm gonna miss her so much but I'm trying not to show it too much because her best friend isn't being the most supportive about the trip so I don't want to bum her out with whatever I'm feeling about her being gone. It's just that this one friend "B" has always been there for me when no one else was especially with me drifting apart from my own best friend she has been always very supportive yet with her being gone I know how alone I really will be I have a few friends that I know I can hang with and talk too but you know when you just want to have those talks where someone can be so honest and say anything that's what I'm gonna miss because it's not that easy to have that level of trust with just anybody... Although I know I'll be just fine sometimes I just get stuck in my sadness and can't get myself out of the frame of mind and my friends are the ones who get me out of those moods so this will be a test with myself to see if I can hold myself together and I do have faith plus I know I'll always have my love of music there for me!

Love, Tay

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