Saturday, August 6, 2016

Song Review- Unsteady by X ambassadors

I have been really into this song lately it's on repeat a lot because I connect to it in a very personal way. First time hearing this I was in the car with my mom and we had just gotten into an argument and I was at the point of trying my hardest to hold back tears. For some reason I hate with a passion letting people see me cry it's probably because I don't really like to show how vulnerable I am. Most of the time it's just so much easier to put on a happy face and act like nothing is wrong when actually it's probably the time where I need somebody the most. Honestly the people who have seen me cry and no I'm not talking just a few tears I'm talking like heavy sobbing when your crying so hard you can't seem to catch your breath those people who have seen that know me so much more on a way deeper level than I'd like anyone to know. As I was listening to this song the opening few notes hit you straight in the heart that falsetto that I often talk so much about in these music posts because it's element of the human voice I like so much but this was a different kind of falsetto than just trying to hit high notes or be a show off with you're voice. This kind was almost above a whisper as if he was gasping for air. As the song goes on there is this line in it says "I'm a little unsteady mama come here approach and appear daddy I'm alone cause this house don't feel like a home" hearing this it put the way I'm feeling at the moment into words because it's coming to the end of the summer and I need to start picking my classes for Fall Term and look for a part time job as well basically I can tell my parents want me to (puts fingers in quotations) Get my life together and move out. Yup I'm the sorry excuse for a human at 20 still living with mom and dad.... So that line really hit home for me and took it too heart. Don't worry the about the argument it was over once we got home you know those mother/daughter go arounds ;)  On a reflective note I've realized that my taste in music ranges from really happy upbeat music or it's very sad music there was a post going around on Facebook that said;
"When you're happy you listen to the music of a song"
"When you're sad you listen to the lyrics of the song"
It's the most true statement I have seen in a really long time because I always that I was just always the type of listener that would always look for meaning in the words that were being sung but it happens much more on a deeper level when I'm upset because music does have a feeling of being safe for me I know I'm not gonna be judged or told that I'm wrong for feeling whatever I am in that moment. Sometimes music can be my only friend because I don't have to explain myself which is half the time the reason why I don't want to tell anybody anything that's going on with me because I don't their opinions! I honestly think the only thing that keeps my heart beating is my undying love for music and the people that create it ❤️ I know if I didn't have that I wouldn't have made it this far in life...

Love, Tay

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