Friday, August 19, 2016

Dancing Is A Way Of Life

A funny realization I've had is some of the best times in my life are when I'm dancing which I think is a positive way to go through life. Of course as a child I took dance classes one of those reason's is because I was that annoying little sister that wanted to do everything her big sister did so since she was on her high school's dance team I wanted to take dance classes. I laugh now remember me at age 7 doing leaps across this huge dance studio having so much fun because at that time in my life I was just a kid having fun I didn't have much responsibility's so I didn't know what stress was. My mom still has pictures from my first dance recital and honestly I look like a drag queen because I had so much make up on my face it wasn't a great look at all! all though I did love what I was doing but I only got to complete two recitals because I had a freak knee injury and had two wear a boot for 5 months then once I got it off I didn't ever go back to it. The next experience I had with dance when I entered middle school because getting to experience my first "school dance" which I was so nervous for that my bestie and me at the time practiced "Dancing" at her house trying to dance like the girls in the music videos I still giggle at us trying to roll our hips like opposite HAHA! Well much to our delight it wasn't as serious as we think because it was just a bunch of kids dancing around in a gym. All though one wonderful memory I have is my first slow dance with a guy it was 8th grade so I was 14 and it was with a boy who we will call "C" it's the same guy who I have talked about a little on here before. He asked me to "Go to the dance with him" I was so excited that I dressed up all cute and wear boots that had a heel so I'd be a little taller because he was at least 6'2. The time came for a show dance so couples started to pair off and he took my hand and laced them around his neck and he put his hands on my waist and we started swaying back and fourth and it felt like everything was in slow motion because I was so happy in that moment. We danced until the last notes of the song which was Lonely by Akon it was such a sweet moment I'll always remember. Of course going from middle school dances to high school dances is so different because at least in my school grades 6th-8th we all were friends so it was very easy and natural for us all to hang out but in high school you realize wow I'm a freshman and there's 3 other grades of way more mature people it's scary for sure! The image too give everyone is remember Christina Aguilera music video for the song "Dirty" got that picture? that's what a high school dance is!!! All though it was just a bunch of people grinding on each other it was fun because it felt a little dangerous to be dancing this close to the opposite sex right ;) Another place where dancing is gladly appreciated is at concerts! I have such funny, crazy, and silly memories of me and friends dancing and jumping around because we were so excited to be there seeing this artist or band. Plus watching my mom fan-girl over Steven Tyler when we went to go to Vegas to see them as my graduation present she went from a women in her 50's too an 18 year old girl who was getting to see her favorite band when she was in high school hahaha! Somehow dancing has always came with great memories or produced such fun times for me maybe that's another reason why I love music and think that being in the moment is the best thing somebody can do just take it all in sort of thing. So dancing took me a variable life lesson that I hold close too my heart now.

Love, Tay     

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