Sunday, February 28, 2016

Looking Forward To The End!

FYI- Talky Post!

1:10 pm
At the moment I'm sitting in a Starbucks wait for a friend to show up so we can work on our final project together. I think it's going to be a lot of fun and we can totally bust out this final which is one of those reason's why we are doing it together. Over the weekend I finished my last English essay which was a big task off my shoulders because my professor decided we need a 1,200 word limit now I usually don't have an issue with an word limit on a essay but when I got my last essay back she "nicely" told me I talk to much so I stressed out on keep my essay a suitable length so I wouldn't get marked down. Overall I liked her as a professor because she pushed us to do great work but she was also so picky about the little details that almost at one point in the term I wanted to punch her in the face.

9:56 pm

It's me again lol tonight took a turn for the worst because my parents had a fight :( I know it's not my problem but it still just breaks my heart so I decided to text a friend just to distract myself from thinking about it well once again she doesn't give a flying fuck what's going on with me or how I feel at one moment in the convo I told her straight up I miss her and I want to know/feel she misses me as well and the one word answers start up OMG!!!!!!! Pisses me off so much because hello you need to change!!!!!! Now it really feels like I have nobody :(

Love, Tay

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