Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Random Things I Enjoy Tag!

I'm making up this tag because who knows we may enjoy some of the same random things!

1. People Watching- I have always loved to people watch for some odd reason I swear sometimes people must be thinking what is wrong with this girl she is staring at me but honestly I'm wondering about what their life is like sorry I'm a curious person.

2. Watching Cars Drive By- It's another strange thing I know but I find it very calming.

3. When Somebody Gets Really Excited About Something And Just Can't Stop Talking About- I enjoy this because sometimes I get really obsessed with an show, movie, song, etc and literally can't shut up about it so it's fun to hear what someone else is "in love" with at the moment.

4. A Blues Driven Guitar Sound- To be Honest this sound is so ear pleasing to me that I could listen to it on endless loop. (this also may be the reason why I love guitar players oops!)

5. Friends Who Don't Have Filters- Meaning people who say anything and everything on their mind. I think that is the most honest state of people as well I consider myself to be one of those people it makes conversations a lot more interesting ;)

6. Stormy Weather- One of my favorite things to do is when it is stormy weather is to curl up on the couch with a ton of blankets and watch loads of movies.

7.  Dancing- Growing up I loved having dance parties with my best friends. Whenever we'd hang out we would just blast our music and work it funny thing is we would even have "Get Low" contests to see how good we could get low ;) Our go to song was "Money Maker by Ludacris" Dancing is also a confidence builder and great excise.

8. Sunsets- A Oregon Sunset in Summer is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see!

9. Learning About Peoples Lives- As I have said before I'm a very curious person so once I get hooked onto somebody I must know everything I can about them. (Strictly Famous People I'm not a stalker I promise hahaha)

10. Quotes- I really love a great quote I also think it's a really cool way to remember certain phases of your life.

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