Sunday, February 14, 2016

Too Much To Do To Little Time

Fair Warning-Talky Post!

I'm writing this from having a very eventful weekend I had family come for a visit and it was really nice to see them yet not wonderful timing to have them come. It caused some stress but hey what family doesn't cause stress right? Anyways it went well but it left me really tired and just feeling sorta blah :(  I think it's because this is the time in the semester where it's coming to a end and most of my classes is very essay-based learning so therefore I need the time to sit down and write them but to do that sort of writing I like doing it on the weekends because I can set aside a whole day to whack it out and complete it and not have to worry about it. The nice thing about this week is I don't have class on Thursday so that means I can get that essay out of the way! (I'm one of those people that have to get an essay done in one sitting). As for the other really awesome thing is I have only one day of a class I don't particularly like so I don't have to deal with immature mean girls who think they are still in middle school smh I swear I can't believe how dumb some people can be.. Another reason why I'm in a just an "okay" mood is because I having a bad skin day and just breaking out a lot so that really tends to eat away at my self confidence about the way I look oh well that's what make up is for lol

I leave you guys today with a song it's Season's Of Wither by Aerosmith the reason why is it has always been one of those songs that helps me calm down if I'm feeling a bit stressed or just in a blah attitude.

Love, Tay

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