Saturday, February 20, 2016

Top 10 Favorite Bon Jovi Songs!

Band Members From Left To Right: Richie Sambora, Jon Bon Jovi, Tico Torres, David Bryan

When I first became really interested in the band was my sophomore year of high school (2011) at the time myself and my best friend were knees deep into loving RockNRoll it was one thing we often bonded over because it was like finally someone who is the same age as me loves these artists too. Thinking back I wanna say that we just sat and watched endless music videos of rock bands on Youtube and we came across Bon Jovi and instantly fell in love with their sound and also their major songwriting abilities. As I have said before in a couple of posts I love great songwriters because great lyrics make you want to know the reason why the artist wrote the song in the first piece. So here are my top ten favorite Bon Jovi songs enjoy and let me know some of yours as well!

10. Everyday- I like this song because of the interesting drum beat at the beginning it's almost a little hip hop as for the Jon's voice it shows how well he uses his vibrato and being able to control it with how it's whispering the words then bringing up the volume it's a cool effect.

9. Livin' On A Pray- Yes, I know usually this is every bodies favorite song of there's but I do really like it. Of course it's an anthem but if you listen closely to the lyrics it's about a couple who are working class people who are just trying to make it to the next month. That is one of the aspects of this band I appreciate so much is their background shows a lot in their music just four guys from New Jersey making great music. Another piece of the song that I like is when Richie is using a Heli Talk Box which makes those strange sounds towards the beginning that sounds like a guitar is being played underwater I think it's an awesome affect.

8. It's My Life- Again loving the use of the talk box I'm a sucker for that in rock music. As for the rest of the sound this bands thrives on big sounding drums Tico Torres is one of my all time favorite drummers. The slight keys in the background of the song have a cool sounding affect sorta like they are just floating over the song. Lyrics in this song bring a really important message of taking chances and doing whatever you want to do in life and not let anyone tell you different totally up lifting. Their is a wonderful line within the song it say's "Frankie did it my way" the story behind this lyric is that Jon really looked up to Frank Sinatra as a performer and he had a determined way of going about life meaning he was going to do music, movies, tv whenever he wanted to not when someone else told him.

7. We Weren't Born To Follow- Another anthem here but it brings an awesome message it's telling us to be ourselves I think as humans we often forget that because we try so hard to fit into what's in at the moment but what is gonna make someone interesting is how they stand out  compared to everyone else. Their is also a killer guitar solo in the song!

6. I'll Be There For You- Words can't even express how much I love this song but I'll try to this for me helped me through a lot of really hard times in my life it gave me hope that one day I'll be okay. I love the call and response in this song with John's voice and Richie's with the guitar lightly sprinkled over it all. I have had a reoccurring dream of singing this on a stage in an packed arena it's silly I know especially since I don't think I have all that good of a voice.

5. Have A Nice Day- This is a great I told ya song! HUGE DRUMS, HUGE GUITAR SOUND, and A KILLER VOICE is the perfect brew for a powerful rock song. PS, WATCH THE MUSIC VIDEO IT'S A COOL VIDEO!

4. Bed Of Roses- As for this little number this is to be the sweetest I screwed up song! Seriously it has a special place in my heart when I hear this song I see a room lit up with candles, roses scattered all around, while this song is playing in the background it's so romantic :)  It is a scene out from a movie I think haha (Heart Swooning Listening To It)  one of the songs that I always get Goosebumps while listening to it that's always been a sign a song is really special <3

3. Who Says You Can't Go Home- First of all the video features Bon Jovi and Jennifer Nettles working with the charity Habitat For Humanity which is an organization that builds house for families who have been hit with horrible weather issues which caused damage to their homes. Even before talking about the song itself it shows people to help their community when in need I think that idea has been lost in this day and age. Now the song has a bit of a country vibe so I like that Bon Jovi went a little out of their comfort zones with a slight sound change. The story being told is somebody who couldn't wait to leave the town they grew up in which is an normal feeling for a young adult but once that young adult gains some age and wisdom to them you know that there is no place like home! One of my favorite lines in the song is "Just A Hometown Boy Born A Rolling Stone" it describes the song in just a phase.

2. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead- The video for this song is so freaking funny because it shows the band hiding behind newspapers and climbing into a car and getting into another one trying to escape fans which is something the Beatles did in their movie A Hard Day's night. Another image that I liked is showing them in Paris visiting Jim Morrison's grave sight it was cool to see how interested they were to be able to be there. It's a great video you must watch! The song is a fun party like song that just has  a nice vibe to it!

1. Never Say Goodbye- For me this is a new favorite I only just recently discovered the song but I fell in love with it from the start. Another wonderful love ballade from them it actually almost brought me to a tear in my eye because it's a promise to never forget a past love, a friend that you lost touch with, a memory that you hold so close to your heart. It's beyond beautiful piece of music that has a forever place in my life playlist if you will!

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