Friday, February 12, 2016

Music Fave- Kaleo

Now I first heard of this band because of a commercial for a new HBO show Called Vinyl it's is directed by Martian Scorsese and Mick Jagger so already I was hooked because a rock legend and one of my favorite movie directors ever were teaming up. Their song called No Good was in the trailer for the show and I totally just wanted to hear more of their sound. No Good starts out with just a few notes being strummed on a electric guitar within those notes I knew it was going to have that classic badass vibe that 70's Rock N Roll had. It also has a bit of distortion which is used so much to get that classic sound as the lead singer starts singing he had this powerful grit to his voice and a snarl that kissed the sound ever so slightly yet it made an impact because I could tell that the snarl in his voice was going to be something he'd be known for later in his career. Then he will surprise you with hitting a two range octave note and it smacks you in the face how amazing it sounds. It takes a lot of control to sound so good in his lower register and then to jump straight into that falsetto and he does it so effortlessly. The next song I wanna talk about is called Rock N Roller it screams Teenage Angst. I really like the video to this because it shows a teenage aged kid sneaking out of his room and going out with his friends, Taking a bus to some town, causing mayhem in a gas station like shop, and finally arriving to an outdoor concert where Kaleo is playing.  It's a really cute idea because the four boys were like the younger versions of themselves to see a band that possibly was that band that made them want to play music for a living. As for the sound of the song I noticed drums are heard a lot more it's a much harder sound than anyone drummers I have heard in bands today so I really liked that. The track reminds me of something The Clash or The Who would have made in that 70's era. Lastly is the track called All The Pretty Girls is my favorite it's a slower ballade compared to their other music but the soft and sweet sounds of an acoustic guitar floats to your ear and it made my heart swoon a little actually. Then he began singing and I fall in love with his voice at that moment in time. His runs he does just amaze me that he can do that then switch to a gritty rock voice. Which that area of his voice comes into play at the end of the track it's so folk rock and I love it!   Everyone must check them out because this band is gonna be huge I just know it!!

Love, Tay

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