Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Do they really care?

So I have often been thinking about the fact that I do miss my friends a lot of them are busy having a life and I say that because I'm not doing much I mean I wanna keep this blog going because I think it's a great way to just put myself out there in a way that I can control. Usually my summers have been filled with hanging out with people that I really enjoy spending time with or looking forward to a trip with a friend or something exciting like that but this year it's like nothing. It's not like I'm dumb I do understand that now that we are out of school and going on our own paths that their is a lot going on with summer classes, jobs, partners. For me it's that part of me thinks oh well they will make time for me if they wanted too and that really gets me down because if I was in their place I would make time for them because honestly they do mean the world to me so it's hard to deal with. It may sound crazy but it's like hello? I'm still here and missing you guys a lot do you even care? In my head I know they do miss me because they say it through texts but sometimes words just aren't enough...

I need to start looking at Fall Term classes too because at least it takes my mind off it all. I'm taking classes to hopefully become a preschool teacher or something that has to do with children because it's something people, friends, and family say I'm good at which I find really sweet. Funny enough it was one of the classes in school I loved everyday I would look forward to seeing and spending time with them. Maybe I will even get some new friends ;-) HAHA

Sorry if this post was boring I just needed to vent.... lol thanks for listening! - Taylor

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