Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Sense Of Calm Behind A Powerful Mind

I am a girl who sometimes just likes to be left alone like today I had the house to myself and its the only time I can do things the way I like to do them without getting told off or having someone "fix" it the way they like. Times like this I really do end up enjoying a nice homey day it's even better when it's raining like it was today there is something so cleansing about rain for me it washes away stuff that may shouldn't be there or that you want to get rid of. Also it's very cozy to be in comfy clothes (pair of oversized sweatpants and a hoodie) and curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch a good tv series or movie and just sorta tune out the world and switch off any problems that you may have been thinking about. I'm kinda at odds with myself at the moment because I really want something to happen but I doubt it's going too I'm sick of trying and maybe I should just push it aside and let it go. Yet it's very difficult too because it's weird not being able to spend the summer with my friends. I wish I could just stop thinking about it all together....
Aside from all of that I have been well last night my nephews spent the night and they are always very fun and silly. It's stuff like that which gets my head to stop I just want to stop feeling so lonely. I mean the only person I have sorta told was my mom because I was pissed off at the whole situation at a moment in time but never said it was an on going problem for me. I honestly don't like telling people what's wrong because I just feel like I'm complaining or being whinny and I don't want to come across like that but when I do drop hints no one gets it. UGH!  When I get like this I always turn to music as I'm writing this post I'm listening to the band The Fray. Their were always one of those bands that I could easily relate too cause somehow whatever they were saying within the song it would fit so perfect with my life at the time. Remembering hearing them playing on the radio when I was a kid on long trips and just staring out the window being transported into my own little world. Actually bringing that up makes me laugh because I still do it to this very day I don't know what it is but long drives seemed to put a spell on me. (Excuse the song title HAHA) Yes sometimes I do talk in song titles it's just another one of those odd things about me :-P

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