Friday, July 31, 2015

Music Fave- The 1975

The Boys names from left to right: George, Adam, Ross, and Matty 
The 1975 is a very interesting band because there are many standards that they are breaking because they aren't a typical Manchester/UK band that is cause most of their influences growing up were American. Many including Michael Jackson, Boys II Men, and Motown greats like Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson just to name a few. So when you listen to their music there is this underline R&B sound                                                                                                 coming through. A quote that Matty has said is " Our band sounds like if John Hughes directed a movie about our life". That quote is totally them too a perfect tee.
Album Cover

The first time I saw or even heard them was one morning when I was getting ready for school. I just prepared a quick breakfast and sat down to watch the top 20 countdown on VH1 then their video for Chocolate came on and boom right then and there I turned into a fan. I loved how catchy the song was and also liked the trick of hiding suggestive lyrics about drug use by changing the words around a little. For some reason I like weird and odd uses of normal words probably why I'm such a music lover because I always have liked how a different way of saying a word can change and or affect someone so much. Anyways back to the 1975, after looking up the band I knew that these four guys were going to mean so much more than I thought. Both Adam and Ross don't really say all that much so that leaves Matty and George to do the interviews and wow they are so insightful, smart, poetic, and just overall really cool guys to talk too. There was something I had noticed while first finding out about them which was I really do like music with a sense of dangerous to it. Meaning that music that maybe people in my generation (born in 1995 so that makes me nineteen) find "old" or "dated" I actually find really cool which is where my love for RockNRoll came in I'm sure. The 1975 have this air of danger about there music perhaps it's the essence of hinting at using drugs, sex, drinking, trespassing onto proprety stuff like that where it's like I know it's bad but I kinda that feeling of danger that excites me. Just everything about this band too me is very thoughtful and fun some of my favorite songs are Menswear, Falling For You, Robbers, Medicine, and She Way Out. Something that I thought was interesting to find out is that Matty wrote the song Robbers based on the movie True Romance which is one of my all time favorite movies. Both the movie and the song I loved is that you can be so in love with a person that it truly doesn't matter if it's just you and that other person facing the rest of the world to me there is something very romantic about that notion of only needing that one person. So to end my rant about how awesome this band and these guys are just go check them out! - Taylor

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Do they really care?

So I have often been thinking about the fact that I do miss my friends a lot of them are busy having a life and I say that because I'm not doing much I mean I wanna keep this blog going because I think it's a great way to just put myself out there in a way that I can control. Usually my summers have been filled with hanging out with people that I really enjoy spending time with or looking forward to a trip with a friend or something exciting like that but this year it's like nothing. It's not like I'm dumb I do understand that now that we are out of school and going on our own paths that their is a lot going on with summer classes, jobs, partners. For me it's that part of me thinks oh well they will make time for me if they wanted too and that really gets me down because if I was in their place I would make time for them because honestly they do mean the world to me so it's hard to deal with. It may sound crazy but it's like hello? I'm still here and missing you guys a lot do you even care? In my head I know they do miss me because they say it through texts but sometimes words just aren't enough...

I need to start looking at Fall Term classes too because at least it takes my mind off it all. I'm taking classes to hopefully become a preschool teacher or something that has to do with children because it's something people, friends, and family say I'm good at which I find really sweet. Funny enough it was one of the classes in school I loved everyday I would look forward to seeing and spending time with them. Maybe I will even get some new friends ;-) HAHA

Sorry if this post was boring I just needed to vent.... lol thanks for listening! - Taylor

Monday, July 27, 2015

Top 4 Favorite Youtubers

In this day and age an actually job somebody can have is being a "Youtuber" that is where a person develops content and puts it on Youtube. By gaining many video views and subscriptions the more you get which means you could end up getting a hefty amount of meaning for that. Except the ones I like don't do it for the money it's because they really do love making content for their viewers and it just so happens that they are making a pretty good living by doing what they love.
PS. 3 out of the 4 are British but I do have to say that it's because I'm in love with everything British!
4. BitsAndClips-
This channel is ran by a amazing women named Marie she has that personality where she starts talking and boom right then you want to become friends with her because she is so nice and sweet. The content is a weekly bit as she calls it where it's just her filming little parts of her day and slams it all together and it becomes this perfect little present of cuteness and happiness all piled into one thing. Marie has a wonderful husband named Ryan and two beautiful kids named Scarlett and Luca who are so freaking adorable that sometimes its to much cute! I enjoy this channel because it's very much a "feel good" homey like channel where their is basically no hate and people in the comment boxes are so sweet it's very relaxing to watch.

3. DanIsNotOnFire-
Dan Howell is just a guy who makes videos hoping he can make people laugh. To me he seems like the perfect dorky but kinda cool boyfriend that a girl always hopes will fall in love with her. He is very funny always cracks me up because he has a lack of filter which you can see on his second channel that he shares with his best friend Phil which is called DanAndPhilGames.

2. Zoella- Zoella who is actually just Zoe is a beauty guru and a beauty blogger as well. She did what many Youtubers did when just starting out which was make videos in her bedroom about things she loved and that was make up, skin care, and tips on beauty. I started to watch her because personally I want to learn how to my make up correctly and I have learned so many tips on how to better my make up. She is always just very sweet and inviting to watch which also makes watching her vlog channel even the more fun it is called MoreZoella.

1.  The Michalaks-
The Michalaks are a british family living in London who vlog their life every week for the world to see. The baby is Grayson and he is about a year and a half old. Hannah originally started to making videos when she was pregnant with Mr. G (the nickname they gave him) but it grew to be this huge, very well made sort of movie about their lives each week. Stef sure has a big job every week to make sure it's edited and he tries to one up himself all the time. He is always the creator of the site WantFeed. One of my favorite things about them is that they are so real because they will be honest when Hannah has had a tough mommy day and she will be like "yes Mr. G is crying his head off I think he needs a nap". I just like that they don't frost over the hard parts of being parents cause it's okay life is sometimes very rough with a baby. Their weekly vlog is something I look forward to all week because I love this family and it's always fun to watch what they are up too.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Sense Of Calm Behind A Powerful Mind

I am a girl who sometimes just likes to be left alone like today I had the house to myself and its the only time I can do things the way I like to do them without getting told off or having someone "fix" it the way they like. Times like this I really do end up enjoying a nice homey day it's even better when it's raining like it was today there is something so cleansing about rain for me it washes away stuff that may shouldn't be there or that you want to get rid of. Also it's very cozy to be in comfy clothes (pair of oversized sweatpants and a hoodie) and curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch a good tv series or movie and just sorta tune out the world and switch off any problems that you may have been thinking about. I'm kinda at odds with myself at the moment because I really want something to happen but I doubt it's going too I'm sick of trying and maybe I should just push it aside and let it go. Yet it's very difficult too because it's weird not being able to spend the summer with my friends. I wish I could just stop thinking about it all together....
Aside from all of that I have been well last night my nephews spent the night and they are always very fun and silly. It's stuff like that which gets my head to stop I just want to stop feeling so lonely. I mean the only person I have sorta told was my mom because I was pissed off at the whole situation at a moment in time but never said it was an on going problem for me. I honestly don't like telling people what's wrong because I just feel like I'm complaining or being whinny and I don't want to come across like that but when I do drop hints no one gets it. UGH!  When I get like this I always turn to music as I'm writing this post I'm listening to the band The Fray. Their were always one of those bands that I could easily relate too cause somehow whatever they were saying within the song it would fit so perfect with my life at the time. Remembering hearing them playing on the radio when I was a kid on long trips and just staring out the window being transported into my own little world. Actually bringing that up makes me laugh because I still do it to this very day I don't know what it is but long drives seemed to put a spell on me. (Excuse the song title HAHA) Yes sometimes I do talk in song titles it's just another one of those odd things about me :-P

Friday, July 24, 2015

Any Questions?

Anyone who is reading my blog have any questions their would like me to answer? :) - Taylor

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Song Of The Day- I'll Be There For You by Bon Jovi

This song for me is really special because recently I went on a trip to the beach to spread my grandmothers ashes and as we were driving away from where we spread them I had this song playing as a bit of a tribute to her saying that I know she will always be with me and I'm going to make her proud one day. It really does bring a sense of apologetic sadness  just from the lyrics alone " I wanna be the air you breath" it's one of those last stitch try's of telling someone you really do love and care about them. That kind of love is something one day I hope to achieve because I think it's the most honest kinds of love there. - Taylor

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Song Of The Day- Sail by AWOLNATION

The first time I heard Sail by AWOLNATION I was actually sitting in a school assembly and my school's dance team came out to perform their state number for us and they danced to this song. From listening to this I fell in love with it because I have always liked big voices and the singer (Aaron Bruno) had one that's for sure. When I listen to this it's dark, haunting, and a bit spooky. It's the type of song you would hear in a horror movie where the monster or killer is lurking in the shadows and is watching your every move. As for the lyrics it's basically a cry for help because this person just wants to "Sail" away from their problems. There is also a underline theme of the subject of suicide it talks about that point of being so low that your mind thinks what life would be like if you weren't around. Now that feeling is very tough to get through and trust me I know because I have been in that dark place once or twice before and it's not healthy or safe at all. Yet I came out okay and this song inspired me to try my hardest to never return to that state of mind.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Song Of The Day- White Wedding By Billy Idol

I'm going to start doing a Song Of The Day post to share some of my favorite music of mine so White Wedding is going to be my first one because I just discovered his music earlier this year and I have to say he is one interesting artist I mean to be honest I was a little freaked out when I watched some of his music videos but it's very catchy music to start with yet when you listen to the lyrics it's a bit more suggestive I mean the song titles alone some include: Rebel Yell, Dancing With Myself, Mony Mony, White Wedding etc. There is a sexual underlying to them all which is actually pretty funny because he was played so much on MTV. When I hear Billy's songs I automatically think of an whole arena singing the song together he sure made some great anthems. Then also his signature snare he always gave when he was performing. Also the amount of leather and chains he wore I mean he made dressing in Punk fashion very cool at the time. Some say he kept that style of clothing alive.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Being Mature

This past weekend I went on a family trip to Medford to go visit my dad's family down their. Now there were 9 of us all heading down there thank goodness we had two cars! So it was Me, My Mom, My Dad, Sister, Nick  (my sister's husband), and their three boys named North, Anchor and Harbor. Growing Up my family usually went down their around Christmas time and for some reason too me it always felt like such a chore I think it was because there was so many aspects of the trip that stressed me out and made me feel uncomfortable but this trip was different in the best ways which is why I saw myself being a matured adult instead of a whinny kid. The first thing I noticed I was doing was putting others first before thinking about myself. As a kid I would always ask my mom why we have to go and she said time and time again that it was important for my dad to see his family and now I understand it because it's so true because both of my mother's parents are now gone and my dad's father is also gone so that just leaves my dad's mother and his sisters so time is very limited and we never know how much time we have left with the people we love have left no matter how healthy they are. Another thing I thought about was don't make your problems everyone else's. As far back as I can remember I have always had sleeping issues so that made going on trips very rough because personally I have a certain routine that I do. For example, The Room has to be cold so that involves having a fan blowing on me (also for the noise), Some kind of light on just so that if I have to get up in the middle of night, and lastly fuzzy blankets. To have the same atmosphere in a hotel room is a little work but I achieved it by bringing my own fuzzy blanket and leaving on the bathroom light but had the door cracked up just a little then my having this new sleeping app I got which is a bunch of Nature Sounds it's called Rain Rain it's really awesome so if you have a hard time sleeping you must check it out! One of the bigger parts of me realizing this new level of matureness was I attempted to face one of my biggest fears which is dogs. Both my grandma and aunt have them and it always stresses me out to go into a house with dogs because for me it's a lose of control because pets have a mind of their own and do whatever they want but whenever I had to go into one of their homes I just tried my best to stay calm and not focusing on it. Which ended up bringing me to my next point which was to just let myself have a little fun. The main reason why we went down their was for my cousin daughters birthday party and it was a proper blast! Their had this huge bounce house with three different little pools that the kids could play in. I won't lie the adults had their fun playing in it as well ;-) Honestly this trip made me feel like my attitude has totally changed and now I think like a adult and not just a teenager in that I have finally matured into being an adult. This trip will be one I always remember :) -  Taylor

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lithia Park In Ashland Oregon

Such a beautiful place to go! It's a must see if your out in Southern Oregon 😌

Thursday, July 16, 2015

My First Vinyl- Aerosmith Live Bootleg!

Yesterday my mom and I went downtown to this shop called Music Millennium and too me it was basically heaven for a music lover I was so amazed at everything they had. First you walk in and it feels like your in a old club venue. Personally it felt like all of these clubs I have read about in Rockstar Biography's like ( Steven Tyler- Does The Noise In My Head Bother You. Joe Perry-ROCKS My Life In and Out Of Aerosmith. Stephen Davis-Watch You Bleed/The Saga Of Guns N Roses. Nikki Sixx-The Heroin Diaries/This Is Gonna Hurt. Duff McKagan-It's So Easy and Other Lies.) There was even a little cove where you had to walk up a staircase and I imagined climbing up the raptors at a club like the Whiskey A GoGo, Roxy, the Troubadour. Made me imagine what use to happen before or after the show :-)  As soon as I found the room with all their vinyls in it I went searching and of course the first band I looked for is my favorite Aerosmith when I was flipping through I found this one and I remembered listening to a interview of someone saying that Live Albums are the best because it's not as clean and polished as studio ones so I chose "Aerosmith Live Bootleg".  Listening to it right now it's everything I thought it would be which is in my eyes utterly and completely perfect. For it being live it gives a certain feel to the sound just a bit more soul to the music because of course any artist gives more when they are performing live verses just recording. Everything is hitting harder meaning that the drums- Joey Kramer are loud and thumping beat. then came the rhythm guitarist Brad Whitford- who has a great timing to his playing. Next is Mr. Sweet Emotion himself aka Tom Hamilton who has this sick bass style that's a bit mystery to it. After them is the Toxic Twins which are Steven Tyler and Joe Perry and they are the perfect duo for trouble with Joe's sloppy but sexy sound of distorted guitars matched with the screaming of demon's loud range makes for one hell of a band! Having had the chance to listen to them on vinyl is a treat and I want more- Taylor :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Music Fave- George Ezra

When you listen to George Ezra his voice dates back to a time where if someone wanted to become a singer they had to pay their dues in bars and clubs there is something very honest and wholesome about a voice like that. George has a rich, bluesy, sultry sound when he sings. His first hit is called Budapest is a tender love song about how he would do anything for the person he loves. Now I can say that when I first heard this song I assumed that he was a black jazz singer because of the deep and rich voice he had but I was very surprised to find out that he actually is a english- singer/songwriter which I find new and exciting because who knew that that compelling voice was going to come out of this skinny english boy? Well I think that this is just the beginning for George because he is bringing back a era of music where people actually wrote and worked on their craft.

Some of the pieces I got while out shopping yesterday

Friday, July 10, 2015

Little Things Do Matter

So today I woke up and was gonna go downstairs be like "Mom lets go do something" because she has been home and kinda stuck in the house all week so I thought it might be fun for her to get out. Well we ended up going to an antiques shop that she went with my dad but wanted to show me and places like that amaze me a bit because these things have been through so many time periods. I find a 50's poodle skirt dress and it was beautiful! Anyways after that we went to the mall which is always fun for us because sometimes we both end up dying of laughter in the dressing room because something we thought was cute on the hanger but looked so bad actually on. Mom got a couple of cute shirts and a nice sweater for winter and I got a really cute olive green tank top and two pairs of sandals one black and the other a nude. It was just nice just have that time where nothing is really on our minds and just enjoying the time spent together. Later in the evening my phone started ringing and it was Sabrina (One of my best friends) called from the camp she is working at it was so sweet to just call to check in and see how I am it makes me think wow I wish that I got that kind of attention from others. Tomorrow I will post a picture of the shirt and sandals! - Taylor

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Change Is Really For The Better

So today I spent a few hours with an old friend we were pretty good friends during our senior year which only was a short year ago but it feels longer because we both lost touch for reasons of a life changing addition to her family and that I went through a lot of stuff this year which maybe I will drive deeper into later but just not now. Anyways I thought why not send her a message and ask her if she is free and turns out she was so we agreed to meet up and I ended up having a great time catching up with her and we can't wait to hang out again! I realized that for me it's such a stress releaser to spend time with my friends because no matter how much I love my family and trust me I do some things that you may want to talk about is just better suited for a convo with a friend. Personally friends for me have always been a safe place to say whatever I want which is a very important thing especially that I'm someone who is very open and doesn't really have a filter it's a place where I know I won't have to worry about being judge which is something that I hated dealing with growing up like why can't people just focus on themselves? On a brighter note I have slightly obsessed with the Goo Goo Dolls I forgot what great songs they made of course their biggest hits Iris, Slide, Black Balloon, and Better Days but just that sound of how they easily mixed both acoustic and electric guitars together to make a big and loud sound that could sell out arena's all over the world but too listen to the tender lyrics of what the singer John Rzeznik expressed to the crowd. Now I think my night is going to end with a nice hot bath and a few episodes of SLOAT ( Secret Life Of American Teenager ) on Netflix. -Taylor :) 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

New Chapter For Me

I chose to start a blog because I think it's a great way find new and exciting things. I also am doing it because many of my favorite Youtubers have very interesting blogs that I enjoy reading. Some of what to expect on here would be anything and everything that has to do with a type of Art examples being Music, Fashion, Food, Photography, Dance. These things are all things that I love and hold close too my heart so I hope anyone who reads this enjoys what I have to say. :)  -  Taylor