Friday, July 29, 2016


Prompt- Write about being overstimulated by a lot of chaos...

I think the first time that I felt and understand what being overstimulated was like was my first time going to Las Vegas. I was eight years old my family decided to go because not only do my parents like too gamble a bit but also because a friend of there's told them that now there is a lot of stuff for kids too do so they thought why not try a new vacation spot (usually we ended up going to Disneyland every summer). Getting over the plane and seeing the brightly light signs and seeing slot machines in a airport was a very old thing to see but very cool at the same time. As we all piled into a taxi too take us to our hotel which was the Luxor because my mom really liked Egyptian culture. Driving along we arrived on The Strip I looked outside the window and saw huge buildings that had different colored signs, banners, and decor I was so intrigued. Once we got to our hotel and went to go check in waiting in the casino lobby and just staring at everything I was amazed there we're so many sounds(slot machines, people chatting, music playing), the amount of people the line to check in had to have forty people in it! We were staying for four days and three nights the whole time I was in this mystic haze because I couldn't believe everything I'd seen we did lots of fun things such as the Aquarium at Mandalay Bay, the HUGE arcades in Excalibur and New York New York where my sister and I ruled every game that was in there also realizing my exceptional game playing at Air Hockey, Walking the cobble stoned like floors in Caesars Palace where my mom and dad took a Gondola boat ride down the river as a man sang opera too them. Halfway through the ride someone is standing on a balcony taking pictures where at the end you can buy as a souvenir to remember the experience and they did it sits proudly on the mantlepiece in our living room whenever I look at it my parents look so happy and so in love it warms my heart.  As the vacation came to an end and we all went back home I knew that I wanted to come back because this place for me was magical and I just wanted to soak up every ounce of excitement this city had to offer. The next time I went was the summer before my freshmen year of high school this was a different type of vacation because it was the first time my sister didn't go back she at that time had her own family so it was just myself, mom, and dad honestly it felt very weird and kinda really sad because I had a tough time with my sister leaving our 4 person unit (Us+our parents) and starting her own so I missed her a lot on this trip but what made me so happy and brought me out of my funk I was in was my parents got me tickets to go see Criss Angel's show Believe because I was a big fan of his I'd watch Mindfreak and search for Youtube videos of him. I also really liked his aesthetic which is that dark/dangerous vibe that thrill of you don't know what he is gonna do so I was pumped to go see him. The show was amazing it was just me and my dad (mom was too chicken to go see him;) haha! It really was magical I had a blast and it's still something my dad and I talk about too this very day. Then I went again to Vegas the summer before my senior year so summer 2013 this time I got to bring my best friend at the time who is "D" I've talked about her a few times before on the blog but I was so excited to bring her along for the crazy ride which is a trip to Vegas! Both of us were sixteen so we will totally looking for adventure and maybe a little danger ;) basically once we got there it was me and "D" went off on our own and my parents went off and did there thing. We met up for Pool Time and Meals then we did a few things all together like going to Pawn Stars which so to say for fans of the show but the store itself is really tiny and so crowded that we waited an hour to even get into the place and for the cherry on top none of the guys from the show were there :( it was a total bust. The best thing about vegas is the night life and boy did "D" and I get to experience it we choose to dress up in these short little dresses/skirts and hills made ourselves look at least 21 when we were really sixteen which got us into some very fun trouble ;) all though what's the saying "What happens in vegas stays in vegas!" ;)
On this trip we actually saw a few celebs one of them being Ryan Gosling and he gave "D" a little up down look which made us giggly school girls stupid us we didn't realize who it was until after we got to wherever we were going yet nothing made us giggle as much as to when we had our picture taken with two of the Knights of the Roundtable at Excalibur.
Knight 1- Nathan with "D" Knight 2- Chris with me :)

My last trip there was to go see Aerosmith with Slash opening for them as my graduation present sadly I tried to set up the trip with "D" but it didn't end up working out because she'd had to pay for her plane ticket as well too I don't think her parents understood why we wanted to go so badly together it was because we bonded over that band so much together and it really became something special to us. I did get to go with my mom which was still very fun but I really do wish me and "D" would have gotten to go together it would have been the trip of a lifetime! I'll be turning 21 soon well in December so hopefully we can make a girls trip together all though my mom will probably want to crash which is just fine because she's basically 21 at heart so it's all good :) 
I love Las Vegas because of the crazy, fun, atmosphere plus I always seem to find the cutest guys there ;) hehe oops 

Love, Tay

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