Sunday, July 3, 2016

Song Of The Day- Ride by Twenty One Pilots

Left: Josh Dun
Right: Tyler Joseph 
I came across this song by hearing it on the radio usually I don't really listen too top 40 radio much expect for when I'm in the car. So one day I was going somewhere and had 95.5 on while driving and this song came on and it became on of those songs that grew on you after hearing it a couple of times and by the time I realized this was a really popular song because they played it five times in a one hour rotation. I really like it because it's so different to everything that's currently playing and I think radio needs that. Ride is a song that you can't put into a genre whatsoever because their are so many different elements that represents many different sounds from other genre's such as rock (Those drums though;), Rap (The speed that Tyler sings/raps the lyrics at), Reggae (The island like feel the piano gives off). I found that really cool because the idea of genre is losing it's power because so many musicians are creating music that can't really be put into a box to fit in. I also think that of course music that is created by people will have certain things that will remind you of other music or artists/bands but that's because musicians hold their influences so close to their heart because those people are what sparked that light within them that made them want to make music as well. Music is one of those things that often refer back to the generations that came before you and there is a certain kind of respect that is given and shown and I think it's important that people understand that because music wouldn't be the same without: Elvis, The Beatles, and Bob Dylan those heavyweights carried a lot of weight in how music is made and also heard today. All of us have those moments where we hated the music our parents listened too but actually think about it if those people won't as popular in their day who knows if you're favorite artist today would even be making music?

Love, Tay

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