Sunday, July 24, 2016

Easy Listens- Artists That Are Perfect To Relax Too/ Day 1: Conner Maynard

FYI- I'm gonna start a new series of posts that involve music artists that have voices or songs that are what I call easy listens meaning that they are relaxing too listen too or you could put on their music while doing chores or trying to do stuff in general. I've always been that person who could never work in complete silence I needed some type of noise to keep me focused wether that be music, a tv playing in the background or simply white noise such as fans, people chatting around me. The people that I showcase in these series will have that type of sound so hope you guys enjoy! :)

I love conner's cover of this song so much it's so soft meaning his tone is barely above a whisper but listening to the lyrics is a cry for help for somebody who got wrapped up in the celebrity of being a music artist and finding out there is a real darkness to the industry. The way Conner portrays an almost broken person shows the real raw emotion within the song.

In this video is both Conner and Jack (his brother) together the game was Jack was going to text Conner a title to a song and he has to sing a part of that song over the beat that was playing. It shows what Conner does best which is taking on old R&B hits and spinning them into an acoustic version of the song. It's also fun to see these two play around :)

 With this video I went looking for because it was another one of those songs on the radio that I loved the beat too but had absolutely no idea what the guy was saying and I'm one of those people that first look for lyrics in music rather than instrumentals. My search lead me to this particular video and I fell in love because it's that slow and sexy vibe that I really dig then that beat drops and everything goes crazy!

YES, I know it's a Justin Bieber song which is something that is totally not my jam but the boy got something right with this one song... The mixture of Conners voice with his friends rap towards the end gave the song new life so claps for them! ;)

All I can say is his cover pulled on my heartstrings so hard that I cried through the video... yes I know how sappy that is but sometimes the emotion in music just takes over and you can't help it! this ones always on repeat if I had a bad day it just somehow makes my pain go away. Great Escapism song!

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