Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hooked For Life

FYI- Talky Post

Do you ever just have that one thing that if a guy has that personality trait it hooks you no matter what? Well, mine is a musical talent wether it be singing, playing an instrument, or even the talent of having a good ear for great music. It explains a lot about the type of men I like because I have a thing for those damaged souls because in my thought process I can somehow help them or at least help them get through the pain. Much to my parents dismay I noticed I got this caring trait from my mom which I find so funny because boy I'm surprised she ended up with someone like my father who isn't a damaged soul whatsoever he is a very strong, caring, and kind man and no matter how much I say I'd never want to marry someone like him isn't true at all because he showed me how a man should be and that he'd do anything for his girls; myself, my sister, and my mom. I respect him so much for that! Anyways talking about that brings me to my next point I wanted to make which is I also have wondered is what kind of man I will end up with? In my head I have two guesses which are a rebel who in every way embodies the sprit of a rocker or a sweet southern boy who will love me till the day we die. Yes, I know those are two very different types of men to begin with yet it's just who I see myself with. All together I have had about 4 serious relationships in my life when I think about them it makes me proud of even though those didn't work out I still learned a lot and I'm thankful for that.
Sometimes being "hooked" isn't a bad thing.

Love, Tay

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