Thursday, March 17, 2016

An Increditble Artist- Hozier

Hozier is a unique talent because of his ability to cross over into other genres such as Blues, Soul, and Indie rock. Being from Ireland his songwriting style really excited me because I often feel like the way Irish songwriters write is always from personal troubles and or life lessons so I respect that style of songwriting because it makes the music relatable and very real. His first hit song is called Take Me To Church it's about two lovers of the same sex living in a very religious background who doesn't approve of same sex love so they end up running away together one of the greatest lines in the song goes like "worship in the bedroom" the most simplest of words but put into such a profound statement. He is saying focus on the love between yourself and that one person than letting outside influences tell you what to do. To describe his musical style it's Luxury, Meaningful, and Haunting and I am so invested! One of my favorite songs is Someone New because it speaks about a girl who is so ridden with heartbreak of one after another relationships not working out expect she is looking for love in all the wrong places... Bars, Clubs, places like that. The idea of falling in love a little bit with someone new each day shows how much that person needs to be shown real love not being used for someones personal advantages. Another thing that shocked me a little bit is Hozier vocal ability because he can go from singing in a whisper voice to being able to fully hold a power note and I'm impressed! Personally my all time favorite song on the album is called Work Song it has a wonderful rick gospel like tone to it. Bringing back some of his early musical influences which was black soul/blues artists in America learning this I thought it was interesting in whatever you grew up listening to somehow always has a deeper meaning in your life. Overall, I love this whole album and that's something I usually don't say but every single song on this album is pure gold. I can't wait to hear what he does for his second album!

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