Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cozy and Snug

FYI- Talky Post

I'm on Spring Break at the moment which is super nice honestly my favorite thing is being able to sleep in I love my sleep and being able to get up on my own time. Yesterday I spent the day catching up with a good friend who I have spoken about before I'll call her S. It was really nice because all we did was sit on my couch and talk it felt so good to be able to speak face to face again. All though we did basically chat the whole day away because she ended up leaving at like 9:30 pm whoops! As for today it is very much a chilled out day this morning I went with my mom to do some errands which included going to one of her favorite retro shops at the moment she wants to do all this DYI projects it's funny because she never had an interest in that stuff before but it's never to late to start a new hobby. My only request is for her to be careful I don't want her going to the hospital because of a project gone wrong yikes! I'm actually sat in this little pink chair in my room all bundled up in a sweater and a fluffy blanket very happy and cozy finally I have been cold all day. Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my mom which should be fun because it's always pretty funny we like to joke around a lot. If I do end up getting anything I will post about it :)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

An Increditble Artist- Hozier

Hozier is a unique talent because of his ability to cross over into other genres such as Blues, Soul, and Indie rock. Being from Ireland his songwriting style really excited me because I often feel like the way Irish songwriters write is always from personal troubles and or life lessons so I respect that style of songwriting because it makes the music relatable and very real. His first hit song is called Take Me To Church it's about two lovers of the same sex living in a very religious background who doesn't approve of same sex love so they end up running away together one of the greatest lines in the song goes like "worship in the bedroom" the most simplest of words but put into such a profound statement. He is saying focus on the love between yourself and that one person than letting outside influences tell you what to do. To describe his musical style it's Luxury, Meaningful, and Haunting and I am so invested! One of my favorite songs is Someone New because it speaks about a girl who is so ridden with heartbreak of one after another relationships not working out expect she is looking for love in all the wrong places... Bars, Clubs, places like that. The idea of falling in love a little bit with someone new each day shows how much that person needs to be shown real love not being used for someones personal advantages. Another thing that shocked me a little bit is Hozier vocal ability because he can go from singing in a whisper voice to being able to fully hold a power note and I'm impressed! Personally my all time favorite song on the album is called Work Song it has a wonderful rick gospel like tone to it. Bringing back some of his early musical influences which was black soul/blues artists in America learning this I thought it was interesting in whatever you grew up listening to somehow always has a deeper meaning in your life. Overall, I love this whole album and that's something I usually don't say but every single song on this album is pure gold. I can't wait to hear what he does for his second album!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Middle Ground

FYI- You know the drill!

Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in middle ground partly because I'm the type of person that rather wish for something to change instead of actually making the change that is needed. As for the reason why is because I'm a bit jaded to since whenever I did try to make the change I usually lost something along the way. Sadly a lot of those "things" I've lost are friends so it made me be very careful with people. Also I depended on that day to day interaction that I got in being in school but as soon as my friends went off to college it's like their just drifted away. Now the one who hurt the most was my best friend we will call her D she goes to SOU which is six hours away from where I live. As she takes a crazy amount of credits each term, works a bunch, and of course the boyfriend who always seems to stray her away from me. Honestly I don't think he likes me maybe it's because when me and D are together we are little spitfires and I think he much rather likes her domestic side aka the good little house-wife. It sucks that we don't talk much anymore yet I was always the person to reach out cause if I didn't there would be NO talking. I'd often feel like I was standing up screaming and waving my hands around being like HELLO TALK TO ME! Then I realized how pathetic that was so I stopped trying and really stopped caring so much about it because the phone works both ways ;)
Moving onto my other best friend which we will call her S she was actually always there for me a lot more than D at times so we became pretty close. The issue with us is she often lets her attitude direct her life and it's just so freaking stupid. I understand having days where you're not in the mood to talk because of having a rough day but don't fucking tell me you don't want to talk but your posting on social media?! Seriously that's just plain rude! Anyways the reason why I wanted to write about this so called "Middle Ground" is because I feel like I finally became comfortable with being alone. It's a very important thing to learn because just because you're not doing something with friends or family it's perfectly okay! Honestly sometimes I'd rather be alone then I can do things my way instead of someone else's.

Love, Tay

Monday, March 14, 2016

Overcoming Fear

FYY- Another talky post sorry I promise I'll do something better soon!

As of right now at 1:22 pm on Monday the 14th of March I'm sitting on campus waiting to present my project for my English class which normally has myself a bit freaked out because public speaking was never really my thing. The reason why is because I have a stuttering problem so with certain letters they just don't come out well or either they don't come out at all. It's very frustrating to say the least but it's something that gave me strength because if someone laughs I'm like really? You couldn't be even the slightest bit more mature that's just plain pathetic. I actually feel prepared to talk about my project because I think I pushed myself to really work hard on this essay because it's an issue close to my heart. I ended up speaking about stereotypes of the LBGTQ community mostly regarding marriage but also talking about other issues as well. It was a lot about the lack of acceptance towards them still I was surprised because I thought things have came a long way and yes, they have but still have a long way to go still! Another really cool aspect of the project was since I love music I found two songs that speak about the same issues I did in my essay. So that's going to bring me to my point where I will speak about how the messages within the songs are trying to send messages of acceptance to the world and how we need to just embrace it. Let Love Rule!
It's truly as simple as that.

Love, Tay

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hooked For Life

FYI- Talky Post

Do you ever just have that one thing that if a guy has that personality trait it hooks you no matter what? Well, mine is a musical talent wether it be singing, playing an instrument, or even the talent of having a good ear for great music. It explains a lot about the type of men I like because I have a thing for those damaged souls because in my thought process I can somehow help them or at least help them get through the pain. Much to my parents dismay I noticed I got this caring trait from my mom which I find so funny because boy I'm surprised she ended up with someone like my father who isn't a damaged soul whatsoever he is a very strong, caring, and kind man and no matter how much I say I'd never want to marry someone like him isn't true at all because he showed me how a man should be and that he'd do anything for his girls; myself, my sister, and my mom. I respect him so much for that! Anyways talking about that brings me to my next point I wanted to make which is I also have wondered is what kind of man I will end up with? In my head I have two guesses which are a rebel who in every way embodies the sprit of a rocker or a sweet southern boy who will love me till the day we die. Yes, I know those are two very different types of men to begin with yet it's just who I see myself with. All together I have had about 4 serious relationships in my life when I think about them it makes me proud of even though those didn't work out I still learned a lot and I'm thankful for that.
Sometimes being "hooked" isn't a bad thing.

Love, Tay

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hard Work Is The Best Kind Of Work

FYI- Talky Post!

The reason for this title is because this coming up week is finals week and all I can say is thank god!
Overall the term wasn't hard at all but I saw a change in myself and in my work ethic which makes me really happy. In school I always wanted good grades and for the most I did get them but I never really wanted to go over and beyond for a grade. I'd look at those kids as teacher pets and be like seriously guys but the outlook changed when I began college because I wasn't gonna settle for a grade that personally I thought I deserved better. I'm happy to say I will be ending the term with 2 B's and an A :) now all I have to do is present two projects and take one test wish me luck!!

It will be so nice to have spring break just to do whatever I want you know with out thinking "Oh am I gonna get enough sleep" or "Okay I have this much time till I have to leave for class" I hate that. Expect more posts from me since I will be off school for awhile please comment and leave suggestions of different kinds of posts you guys would like to see :)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

American Idol 2016

Since this is the farewell season of Idol I'd thought I would give my two sense about this season comment on the post and tell me who you're faves are as well! Enjoy!

1st Favorite Contesten- Dalton Rapattoni
Top 3 Favorite Performances so far-
Hopelessly Devoted by Grease- Yes I know he is very dramatic when it comes to his performance but it reminded me of Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. It was emotional and rich and I just fell for him.
Rebel Yell by Billy Idol- Good lord was he just I have to say it but he brought an sexy song to this perfect mix of innocent with sexy and I'm so in love with this rendition!
His Audition-
He walked into his audition the first thing my mom said was "wow he is pretty" she is right he is pretty like an angelic face. Then he started to sing The Phantom of the Opera and Boom! I was hooked on him.

2nd Favorite Contesten- Trent Harmon
When his audition came on I was like okay here comes another farm boy but hell no this farm boy can SING! he sang a R&B song for god sakes I was like wait what!
Top 3 fave performances so far-
Tiny Dancer by Elton John- Strangely I have a weird obsession because to me the lyrics speak so much to what I dream of which is to fall in love with a music man. Anyways his falsetto blew my mind I became a fan right then and there!
Like I Can by Sam Smith- Good god this man has soul to his voice and I love it. When he drags out the word "Lawyer" with this weird jaw like movement it sent shivers down my spine that's how much I felt it. He knows which songs have the right groove for his voice!
When A Man Loves A Woman by Michael Bolton- Damn he cleans up well ;) all I can say is I got lost in those blue eyes <3

3rd Favorite Contesten- MacKenzie Bourg
I saw him and just went "Awe isn't he adorable" then he opened his mouth to start to sing and I was amazed at how soft his natural voice was. He did a medley of songs one from each judge which was very risky because they are have different genres that being Country, Pop, and Jazz but he sang all of them beautifully. I knew he was gonna have staying power on the show!
Top 3 fave performances so far-
Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley- I already love the song choice so I was excited to hear his take on it. Boy was I glued to the tv while he sang I love how his voice is so airy and breathy it creates a meaningful sound.
 I See Fire by Ed Sheeran- When watching this I liked the depth this song added to his voice it added a richness that isn't always there. He brought something new to the table and it payed off!
I Wanna Dance With Somebody(Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston- Listening to this was interesting because he began flirting with the camera you could tell he was into it for sure. There is a moment in the chorus he say's the word I but with this rasp at the end of it and it created a cool sound to the song.