Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ready For This Week

As of now at 10:42 on a Sunday night I'm hoping this week goes better than last week! I don't even want to think of what all happened hopefully my English prof isn't a psycho like she was on Wednesday and that my friend in my Lit class lets me TALK for once lol The only bad thing I know will happen is that I'll have to do group work in my exploring art class and I hate all of them expect one so that should be interesting to see how that goes ;) I'm also hoping that I won't have to much work expect for reading for Lit and a grammar assignment for English then this coming up weekend I can bust out my public art project for exploring art and start my next essay for english (fingers crossed!) this is totally wishful thinking at it's best :)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Music Fave- John Mayer

The first time I heard John Mayer was actually while watching So You Think You Can Dance and all of the dancers had to perform solos to the song "Waiting On The World To Change" to me that is an anthem to stand up and do something that being anything because you never know what's gonna help on this Earth the simplest thing can grant so much joy to somebody. Next is "Gravity" it's a very soulful sounding record because of the use of a blues driven guitar. I never knew how great of a guitar player he was until I watched his concert dvd one day and realized damn he can really play. I was not only impressed with his talent with both vocals and guitar playing but his respect for his band members he not only introduced them but talked about how great each one of them plays and how he is honored to be up on stage with them every night. John has really gotten a bad rep for being rude and egotistical because of a few bad interviews he has given over the years but I just think he is misunderstood. One of my personal faves is "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" this ballad is so sexy in a playful way it's like having a fight with your partner and their up in your face and then the tension just breaks and end up just kissing each other. After that is probably is "Daughters" now if you listen closely it's speaking about having a certain respect for people in your family because kids learn habits from ones closest to them. I love the song "Your Body Is A Wonderland" it's again playing that flirty card but in a very sweet and honest way because he is speaking about things like the way a girl's hair falls it's bits like that which so how much your really in love with a person. Lastly is his cover of the song Free Fallin original written by Tom Petty is pure magic to me this song has a power over me because whenever I hear it either it be John's version or Tom Petty's I relax instantly it's so beyond calming. The song is perfect for driving down a highway in the middle of America on a road trip with your friends or even your bf or gf just embracing life taking in each moment for what it is. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Feeling Not Good Enough :(

Another talky post just FYI! ps. I promise I'll blog about something a lot more interesting soon.

The past two days have been very intense to say the least and honestly that's putting it so nicely. I guess I'll start with Wednesday then so I got up and got ready for class like I do everyday and got a text from my dad saying "I can give you a ride to school today" (I don't drive it's a long story but basically I'm scared I'll hurt somebody trust me I know it's stupid but I'm determined to learn THIS SUMMER!) anyways back to the text so of course I thought oh cool I actually have time to sit and have a real lunch so I was very happy about that. All is well I get picked up and dropped off to campus so I pull out my phone to look at the time it said 1:04 pm now my class starts at 1:10pm so I hauled ass to get there on time. So I walk in and sit down next to my friend let's call her V we have became really good friends since we were in the same writing course together last term so I agreed to take this reading course with her. Once I'm getting out the book we are reading, something to write with, and the folder of stuff I have for this class our professor begins speaking. Usually we spend the class period talking about the chapter we read for our homework mixed in answering some questions about the reading in groups but no not today we got handed a packet with a poem which we had to read and try to understand with our group then answer a few questions. It sounds easy enough but with my group there are two guys that hardly know whats going on in this book and V who I really like a lot but she has a bad cause of WORD VOMIT so she is always talking but also sharing things that don't really need to be shared in a class setting. Plus then there's me who can barley get in a word edge wise with her while the guys are staring into space.. Needless to say we finished the packet then professor threw us a curve ball and said "Okay now once you're group is finished you guys will present it to the class" I'm at the point now with public speaking I'm like okay bring it on so I feel confident to speak. Yet my group didn't decided what each person would do so then it came to our turn and V read the poem then talked for like 10 min NONSTOP! and we switched so I was telling everyone how we answered the questions and SHE CUTS ME OFF THREE FREAKING TIMES! UGH oh my god I was beyond pissed so finally class ended. Onto Class #2 which is a writing course as for the homework we had to write 1 page about something that makes us laugh. Easy enough I choose the youtube video "Russell Howard Does Accents While Reading 50 Shades Of Grey" to write mine on totally explained everything I needed so I have it already for class to discuss them. Now the class is mostly based on Class Participation so I have to remember to speak up a few times each class so I decided to share mine with the class so I started to explain it but since I was so frustrated with what went on in my reading class I started to stutter really bad and my professor she interrupts me and goes "why don't we just watch it" so I'm like fine I go up there to the computer find the right video and went back to my sit as it started playing. The class ended up loving it and thinking it was so funny that some people were almost cry-laughing it was that good. Anyways my professor basically starts acting like it was disgusting and utterly horrible and the rest of the class was like hell no it was beyond funny. She spent the rest of the class pretty much tearing apart other peoples assignments and all of us we totally shocked like what the hell is wrong with you? Finally classed ended and I got to go home it was a very long day.

Moving onto today which is Thursday so I only had one class today and that's called Exploring Art now I have no issues with the work, or the professor, it's just this one group of girls who are so fucking high school it's not even funny. Let's just say I was insulted because one of them doesn't think I'm wearing enough make up. Excuse me but 1. You don't decide anything I do because that's MY JOB! 2. Mean girl #1 we will call her has make up caked on she looks like a freaking coloring book! HELLO we are in school not a runway show for god sakes. Anyways she sits there with her friend Mean girl #2 I'll call her Barbie who constantly talks about how wonderful they both are. At this point I'm going to stab myself it's so freaking annoying. To end class by walking out and noticing I had a message from my mom saying she has a meeting and has to take my nephew home so I ended up going back to the sitting in the library and realizing I got another blister on my foot so now I sit with it wrapped up in a band-aid with socks on hoping it goes away guess I'm stuck with Uggs all next week cause I'm not going through this again! To end this long rant I'm so beyond happy I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow since it's my weekend YES!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trying And Getting Nowhere

Fair Warning This Will Be A Talky Post!!

Lately I have been having issues with a friend she is very stubborn to say the least and it's the fact that being that stubborn is blocking her from having an open-mind which is something that I find very important in the type of friends I want in my life so to say the least this whole thing is very frustrating. Another thing that is going on is I often get the feeling that no matter what if she texts me or calls me just freaking out or having a bad day I'm always there to listen to her yet whenever it's flipped so it's me coming to her for advice or to just listen to me rant it always depends on her mood and "if she feels like talking" excuse me but I don't think that's freaking right at all! Give me the same respect I give you.... It honestly gets me so upset because I know I should be treated better than this maybe we just need to take some time away from each other.. Life is hard when you grow up but some of your friends don't grow up :(

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Growing Up Loving Food

Now I grew up loving food, yet I was a very picky eater I'm pretty sure there was a two year stage where I only at bacon strips and fries. Trust me I know what you're thinking how and why did my parents let me eat like that? Well that was only whenever the family was out to dinner I began with just liking plain food; so things that didn't have a lot of seasoning, didn't like basic items like bread, milk, and even ketchup. Thinking about it realistically it wasn't so much the food that I loved but the feeling of people I loved being gathered around the food itself that has been prepared for years on end because they are all family favorites. The first chef I remember that I truly was just engrossed with was Emeril who is a southern cuisine chef watching his show it had a very homey feel to it and I really did love that and also because he reminded me of my grandfather who was a big family man an always kept everyone around them happy. As I began middle school I became interested in Bobby Flay now he is a Irish/New Yorker at heart and was very arrogant about the way he cooked at that time I liked it because as a 13 year old girl I sure liked to give some sass whenever possible. Bobby had that "Come at me" attitude that was actually really entertaining. Lastly we ended my chef journey with a man named Michael Voltaggio who has been showcased on Top Chef a number of times his food is very much himself that meaning blue collar but mixed with a bit of mystery to him.
This is a link to an interview of Michael talking about his food! hope you enjoy learning about my favorite chef. ps it helps he is really cute as well ;)

Love, Tay

Friday, January 15, 2016

Bowie 1/10/16

I feel like I had to do this post because after hearing about the passing of David Bowie I started realizing how much he impacted my life and how much his art affected me. The moment I heard about the shocking tragedy of what happened it was actually Monday morning (1/11/16) which is when the news headlines broke and I personally found out on Facebook sense I follow many rockstars I saw all of these photos of Bowie and them paying their respects to this creative powerhouse and I freaked out I'm like what this can't be true! He is doing great things at the second isn't he just about to release his new album?! As I kept scrolling I sadly found out it wasn't just some heartless rumor some internet troll made up that it was fully true and David Bowie is now gone...
Once my brain accepted the news I started thinking about the first time I heard of him which was when Adam Lambert did a bowie medley on the idols live tour and watching him perform these cool funky sounding rock n roll songs I had to find out more. If your like me and as engrossed with music as I am then Youtube is your best friend then I spent the rest of my summer looking up all his music, concert footage, interviews etc then once I fell for the cosmic angel I became a life long fan. Now it makes me wish somebody today could do what he did which was smash through culture barriers, race issues, and just the fact that if you think your weird that's perfectly okay. He gave me the confidence to say hell yes I love this music it has so much depth to it that for an 13 year old going into her 8th grade year the last year of middle school it really helped me to be able to stand up for what I love and not to listening to anybody who dissed it and made fun of me for not listening to top 40 radio and if somebody did say something all they got was a cold shoulder from me. Bowie was on my list of people I had to see live in concert and that one day I would be standing in a arena filled with people soaking up his cosmic energy, powerful lyrics, and overall his greatness that seemed to shine like the brightest star in the sky. It beyond sucks knowing that I'll never get that chance but as a fan I hope and pray that his legacy keep going until the end of time because he was truly a star. While writing this I sit wearing a Bowie t-shirt that I got in 2009 that same summer that I discovered him and I look at it like it's a treasure that I'll always keep.

Ps: To you bowie I hope your rocking in heaven and giving one hell of an opening show!

Love, Tay  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Music- A Thousand Horses

   Recently I have been obsessed with the band A Thousand Horses my first introduction to them was actually when I went to that 98.7 Santa Jam concert because they were one of the opening bands. Before going I looked them up on Youtube and discovered that they were great! Their debut album is called Southernality is a perfect blend of rock meets country naturally it reminded me of the band Lynyrd Skynyrd very much. My favorite part about them is that with their up tempo songs it has that bluesy guitar sound that often rock music is based on but then the country aspect comes in when the singer starts singing because he does have a twang to his voice so the way he words the lyrics it gives it that soulful vibe. It's a difficult process for a band to have both fun and exciting upbeat songs but to also have amazing ballads which they do it shows real musicianship. Personally my favorite upbeat song is Travelin' Man it's one of those's awesome tour songs that are usually done in the back of the bus at like 2am while driving along the highway onto the next city. As for a ballad that I really like is Sunday Morning it's a very sweet song that would be sung to the love of you're life. Within the track the band decided to use three female backup singers which gave it that fuller soulful sound. I'd advise everyone to check them out! You won't be sorry :)

Love, Tay