Friday, January 15, 2016

Bowie 1/10/16

I feel like I had to do this post because after hearing about the passing of David Bowie I started realizing how much he impacted my life and how much his art affected me. The moment I heard about the shocking tragedy of what happened it was actually Monday morning (1/11/16) which is when the news headlines broke and I personally found out on Facebook sense I follow many rockstars I saw all of these photos of Bowie and them paying their respects to this creative powerhouse and I freaked out I'm like what this can't be true! He is doing great things at the second isn't he just about to release his new album?! As I kept scrolling I sadly found out it wasn't just some heartless rumor some internet troll made up that it was fully true and David Bowie is now gone...
Once my brain accepted the news I started thinking about the first time I heard of him which was when Adam Lambert did a bowie medley on the idols live tour and watching him perform these cool funky sounding rock n roll songs I had to find out more. If your like me and as engrossed with music as I am then Youtube is your best friend then I spent the rest of my summer looking up all his music, concert footage, interviews etc then once I fell for the cosmic angel I became a life long fan. Now it makes me wish somebody today could do what he did which was smash through culture barriers, race issues, and just the fact that if you think your weird that's perfectly okay. He gave me the confidence to say hell yes I love this music it has so much depth to it that for an 13 year old going into her 8th grade year the last year of middle school it really helped me to be able to stand up for what I love and not to listening to anybody who dissed it and made fun of me for not listening to top 40 radio and if somebody did say something all they got was a cold shoulder from me. Bowie was on my list of people I had to see live in concert and that one day I would be standing in a arena filled with people soaking up his cosmic energy, powerful lyrics, and overall his greatness that seemed to shine like the brightest star in the sky. It beyond sucks knowing that I'll never get that chance but as a fan I hope and pray that his legacy keep going until the end of time because he was truly a star. While writing this I sit wearing a Bowie t-shirt that I got in 2009 that same summer that I discovered him and I look at it like it's a treasure that I'll always keep.

Ps: To you bowie I hope your rocking in heaven and giving one hell of an opening show!

Love, Tay  

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