Thursday, January 28, 2016

Feeling Not Good Enough :(

Another talky post just FYI! ps. I promise I'll blog about something a lot more interesting soon.

The past two days have been very intense to say the least and honestly that's putting it so nicely. I guess I'll start with Wednesday then so I got up and got ready for class like I do everyday and got a text from my dad saying "I can give you a ride to school today" (I don't drive it's a long story but basically I'm scared I'll hurt somebody trust me I know it's stupid but I'm determined to learn THIS SUMMER!) anyways back to the text so of course I thought oh cool I actually have time to sit and have a real lunch so I was very happy about that. All is well I get picked up and dropped off to campus so I pull out my phone to look at the time it said 1:04 pm now my class starts at 1:10pm so I hauled ass to get there on time. So I walk in and sit down next to my friend let's call her V we have became really good friends since we were in the same writing course together last term so I agreed to take this reading course with her. Once I'm getting out the book we are reading, something to write with, and the folder of stuff I have for this class our professor begins speaking. Usually we spend the class period talking about the chapter we read for our homework mixed in answering some questions about the reading in groups but no not today we got handed a packet with a poem which we had to read and try to understand with our group then answer a few questions. It sounds easy enough but with my group there are two guys that hardly know whats going on in this book and V who I really like a lot but she has a bad cause of WORD VOMIT so she is always talking but also sharing things that don't really need to be shared in a class setting. Plus then there's me who can barley get in a word edge wise with her while the guys are staring into space.. Needless to say we finished the packet then professor threw us a curve ball and said "Okay now once you're group is finished you guys will present it to the class" I'm at the point now with public speaking I'm like okay bring it on so I feel confident to speak. Yet my group didn't decided what each person would do so then it came to our turn and V read the poem then talked for like 10 min NONSTOP! and we switched so I was telling everyone how we answered the questions and SHE CUTS ME OFF THREE FREAKING TIMES! UGH oh my god I was beyond pissed so finally class ended. Onto Class #2 which is a writing course as for the homework we had to write 1 page about something that makes us laugh. Easy enough I choose the youtube video "Russell Howard Does Accents While Reading 50 Shades Of Grey" to write mine on totally explained everything I needed so I have it already for class to discuss them. Now the class is mostly based on Class Participation so I have to remember to speak up a few times each class so I decided to share mine with the class so I started to explain it but since I was so frustrated with what went on in my reading class I started to stutter really bad and my professor she interrupts me and goes "why don't we just watch it" so I'm like fine I go up there to the computer find the right video and went back to my sit as it started playing. The class ended up loving it and thinking it was so funny that some people were almost cry-laughing it was that good. Anyways my professor basically starts acting like it was disgusting and utterly horrible and the rest of the class was like hell no it was beyond funny. She spent the rest of the class pretty much tearing apart other peoples assignments and all of us we totally shocked like what the hell is wrong with you? Finally classed ended and I got to go home it was a very long day.

Moving onto today which is Thursday so I only had one class today and that's called Exploring Art now I have no issues with the work, or the professor, it's just this one group of girls who are so fucking high school it's not even funny. Let's just say I was insulted because one of them doesn't think I'm wearing enough make up. Excuse me but 1. You don't decide anything I do because that's MY JOB! 2. Mean girl #1 we will call her has make up caked on she looks like a freaking coloring book! HELLO we are in school not a runway show for god sakes. Anyways she sits there with her friend Mean girl #2 I'll call her Barbie who constantly talks about how wonderful they both are. At this point I'm going to stab myself it's so freaking annoying. To end class by walking out and noticing I had a message from my mom saying she has a meeting and has to take my nephew home so I ended up going back to the sitting in the library and realizing I got another blister on my foot so now I sit with it wrapped up in a band-aid with socks on hoping it goes away guess I'm stuck with Uggs all next week cause I'm not going through this again! To end this long rant I'm so beyond happy I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow since it's my weekend YES!!!!

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