Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Growing Up Loving Food

Now I grew up loving food, yet I was a very picky eater I'm pretty sure there was a two year stage where I only at bacon strips and fries. Trust me I know what you're thinking how and why did my parents let me eat like that? Well that was only whenever the family was out to dinner I began with just liking plain food; so things that didn't have a lot of seasoning, didn't like basic items like bread, milk, and even ketchup. Thinking about it realistically it wasn't so much the food that I loved but the feeling of people I loved being gathered around the food itself that has been prepared for years on end because they are all family favorites. The first chef I remember that I truly was just engrossed with was Emeril who is a southern cuisine chef watching his show it had a very homey feel to it and I really did love that and also because he reminded me of my grandfather who was a big family man an always kept everyone around them happy. As I began middle school I became interested in Bobby Flay now he is a Irish/New Yorker at heart and was very arrogant about the way he cooked at that time I liked it because as a 13 year old girl I sure liked to give some sass whenever possible. Bobby had that "Come at me" attitude that was actually really entertaining. Lastly we ended my chef journey with a man named Michael Voltaggio who has been showcased on Top Chef a number of times his food is very much himself that meaning blue collar but mixed with a bit of mystery to him.
This is a link to an interview of Michael talking about his food! hope you enjoy learning about my favorite chef. ps it helps he is really cute as well ;)

Love, Tay

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