Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Music Artist Review- Jimi Hendrix A Legend

When I think of Jimi Hendrix the phase "The Man, The Myth, The Legend comes too mind because he truly embodied each stage of the saying. The man being realizing the love he had for music and noticing the different ways he could manipulate the guitar to create a sound that nobody had ever imagined. As for the myth once he gained a following and became a rockstar he developed a mysterious air about him which all rockstars have. Now the legend comes into play because the man was such a force in the 60's as a pop culture icon of the era as well being strong contender in the music industry because he created a sound that was so unique that his music has lived on for forty six years after his untimely death in 1970.

Through my love for all types of rock music I'd hear a Hendrix's song every once in awhile and be like "Oh that's a pretty cool sounding song I like the hazy vibe I get from this" little did I not know that the hazy vibe was what made him become a superstar. Once again while in my music history class he was one of the major talking points in the 60's era the first song my professor played was "All Along On The Watchtower" and it blew my mind and I instantly fell in love with the sheer genius that was Jimi Hendrix. It's that slow, stoner induced hazy guitar playing gave me goosebumps alone. The slides he'd do all up and down the neck of the guitar really put me in a trance. His singing is interesting because it's almost not singing it's more like spoken-word poetry. Before going on to the next song I just wanna say he was also one of the first guitar players to play left handed which is very cool especially sense I'm also a lefty as well. Next up on the fave tracks list goes to "Purple Haze" there is just an effortless cool to this song it's one of those songs that I love playing when getting ready I throw one of my many leather jackets and feel like a sexy powerful women :) I also love that he let his guitar work speak for itself by doing like an 8 minute solo on a song it showed the magic he brought. The way he'd play with the strings to make loads of distortion which is one of my favorite things in a guitar player it shows they aren't scared to try something different! Lastly my third favorite track is "Voodoo Child" its pure badass it reminds me of a really dark and twisted version of Alice and Wonderland cause it transport you into another world that I'd imagine is a dimly lighted club filled with a haze of smoke circling around you. Smells of dark whiskey and bourbon floating in the air as you arrive to the front of the stage to witness the great Jimi jamming out to this very song. Yes I know it's very dream-like ;) probably because I'd would have killed to see him live such a sad thing that he left us so early on in his career but thankfully his music and his name still live on today and is an influence on people's minds and their taste in music.

Love, Tay

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