Sunday, June 12, 2016

Imagine-John Lennon

Album Cover 

 I'd always have been a true Beatles because the philosophy of music itself is based on love and peace which is what the world needs more of. Their contributions paved the way for many new artists and ways to listen and see music. John Lennon was a musical genius through and through. I do believe that if their wasn't the Beatles that music would be completely different today than we ever thought. Most of my favorite songs are on side 1 which include "Real Love", " Twist and Shout", "HELP!", "In My Life", "Strawberry Fields Forever", "A Day In The Life".  All of this music transports me into a different world or different era. Listening to all of these songs brings a certain sense of calm and healing to me almost as if by hearing his voice is washing away all of the problems in your life.

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