Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What am I even doing?

FYI- Talky Post

Do you ever feel like you have no idea what to do next in life? Cause that's how I feel at this very moment. On Sunday I spent time with Mom antiquing which was fun because the two places we went were really fun because it was filled with things like records,movie posters, and props from tv and movie sets. I enjoyed looking around mom found a couple of things and I got an rolling stones record with all of my favorite songs on it for 9$ it was an awesome find. While looking around mom asked me what I was going to do after the term was over my only two choices sadly are summer school or look for a job :( real adult life right? Getting a job scares me because I know I can do a job well but the interviewing process freaks me out. Mom brought up a great point saying I should getting into selling vintage clothes and records is what I'm really into whenever I'm in a antique place because I love fashion and of course music! It isn't a bad idea but how the hell do I get into something like that? where do I start? UGH! I miss summers use to be fun and so relaxed my dream for a summer is to go on tour with a band I don't know doing what perhaps being a stylist for stage clothes that would be so much fun! To get to travel the states on a tour bus just makes me smile because I'd be so happy and it's something that's been stuck in my head for a long time probably since I was about 12. That's when I really started to take music seriously because it's something I loved but that type of brain a creative, artistic mind I understand very well. Another reason why I'd kill to be able to go on a tour is because I'm so sick and tired of not having anything to show off on Facebook all my friends show off their jobs, relationships, achievements etc and I wanna shove a kick ass summer in all of their faces I know my friends don't mean to do that on purpose and I wouldn't take it as seriously as I do if I had something worth while to show off. No one knows how annoying it is to see their friends to be having their time of there lives which is what we should be doing in our early 20's! I just wish God would throw me a wonderful, crazy, story telling worth summer because I'd be so grateful....


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