Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Feeling Stressed Out

FYI- Life Update

Usually I'm not one of those people who complain about professor because I always thought why you're going to be done with them in a term like come on just suck it up but nope not this term I have one professor that's legit out of her mind. First of all I just that she had a bad case of "word vomit" meaning she just didn't know when to stop talking and to learn to keep some things to herself. Now I often don't like those kinds of people cause I feel like when you do tell them stuff they will just say it to anybody so talking to them feels unsafe a lot of the time. So in class we have been working on our first essay I'm use to the idea of free writing, rough draft, and a final draft that is turned in for grading but nope not the way she is making us work she decides to have us write a rough draft to keep taking out things she doesn't like and put in parts she does like so basically she is writing our stories for us and I HATE THAT! excuse me but I just freaking met you for god sakes. It pisses me off because she wants us to write her way which from what she has explained to us is to write from a very dark, honest, and reflective place. I'm perfectly okay with that because I understand if you do write from that kind of real and honest place you're gonna end up with something pretty amazing. Except what I choose to write about isn't dark whatsoever I mean it's a bit sad when I think about it but it's nothing major compared to some of what the other people have wrote about.

I'm kinda over being pissed with my creative writing prof because of this cool assignment we are going to do tomorrow which is to pick seven songs that from ages 14-20 that meant something important to use. So of course doing an assignment like that is really fun for me because I love writing about music because honestly sometimes it's my only friend because it's so much easier to plug into my music than it is to talk out feelings with somebody who will have there own opinions about whatever you say. I'm super into the band Avenged Sevenfold it's the perfect type of music because it's hard hitting so it's wonderful if you angry about something. It's also a bit sexy I think they know how to market metal towards women cause M shadows (vocals) and Syn Gates (Lead Guitar) are sooooo cute how could you not love them ;)

Love, Tay

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