Monday, May 16, 2016

Can't Wait For End Of Term!

FYI- Talky Post

I'm so beyond pissed because I have really enjoyed my Psych class until the moment when I accidentally turned in a assignment that was only half done because I put the other part into a different folder on my google drive so I decided to email her because I have a 70.86% in the freaking class and I'm not okay with that I need to rise my grade so I thought about if I email her explaining what had happened I'd get some points instead of a 0% on the assignment and she won't freaking reply back to my email! First of all I sent the first email in the afternoon on Friday at 3:00 pm so I'm like okay she will get back to me over the weekend then so I waited the whole weekend for this stupid email and I got NOTHING! So this morning I checked thinking okay she must have gotten back to me this morning since it's Monday right. Checked again and still nothing so I sent the same email at 8:32 am hoping that she will reply and I'm checking constantly and nope I honestly think she isn't answering my emails because she is seriously out to fucking get me. Trust me I'm not one of those students who think the teachers or professors are the problem because if you have a bad grade that's what you have earned! Excuse me for emailing you wanting to explain what had happened and show her I did the work but to really not reply for what fucking reason?!?! That's what I want to know because honestly that's not fucking fair okay don't give me the points for not getting it in on time but not to even reply back which takes all of 2 freaking minutes to do. UGH! I made sure I have every piece for this next writing assignment because I wanna shove it in her face because she's truly acting like a royal bitch at the moment and I'm not going to let my grade suffer just because she doesn't like me..... 

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