Monday, November 23, 2015

Looking Back

Today has been very reflective just from the new assignment we got in English which is where we have to write an essay a narrative about a time where we learned a lesson and I think I'm going to speak about almost not graduating on time with my class. It was by for one of the most scary times in my life cause nobody wants to not be able to walk with their friends. Going back and thinking about my time in high school because it didn't end the way I thought it would because sadly I didn't end it with my best friend who I started it with lets call her K. When I think of her I remember how we basically lived at each others houses every summer and how my dad would drop me off at her house early in the morning during the school week and we would just hang out and get ready together. Music was something we bonded over a lot because we loved to dance and it always just brought happiness too us but more specific was when she began getting into Screamo the band being Black Veil Brides and how after hearing it maybe 100 times I actually went to go download it because I started too really like it. So now whenever I hear them I think of how we would sit on her bed and just chat while it played in the background. When I think about those times I do miss her but our friendship is long gone we just outgrew each other which is okay that's one major lesson I learned over the years is the memories are what you get too keep as a little gift.

Love, Tay

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Unexpected Is The Most Fun In Life

If Anyone Wondered What I Looked Like This Is Me :) 

As classes are coming too a close it makes me a bit sad because I made some great friends in English and don't even get me started on Music Theory because I swear that is the most fun I have ever had in classroom setting before. As strange as it may sound I felt so at home because finally I got to speak about something I'm so passionate about which is music. Everything from the music itself, To Instrumentals, Lyrics, and how it was recorded in the studio it's so interesting to me yet I wish I had someone to share it with. The one person who would talk this way about artists and bands with me sadly faded away and aren't speaking which is really painful but I had to say when because a friendship shouldn't be that I tried to stay in contact but when the other person didn't I wasn't going to wait around forever the door will always stay open but I'm not gonna push it anymore. Well lets move onto a happier subject which is I'm really into listening to The Doors even since last class in music theory we talked about them being part of the sub-culture of Acid Rock. It's funny because when my professor said " Okay who knows the lead singer?" I rightfully said Jim Morrison and we talked about him through out class in such ways as how he was actually a very dark person even to the point of saying he was damaged in a way. If you look closely at the lyrics he has a dark outlook on life his lyrics I think were a cry for help but nobody listened well enough until it was to late and he passed away. He is part of a infamous club called the 27 club which is a list of rockstars who died at age 27. The list includes Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones just to name a few. Personally some of the best musicians ever are in these club the phase " Live Fast Die Young" is too real to describe these greats.

Love, Tay

Friday, November 13, 2015

New Artist- Alex Smith

I came across this guy because he follows me on Instagram so I thought why not I'll check out his Youtube Page and wow he has such a special voice that needs to be heard. He is a Country Artist but their is also different flavors that come into play sometimes his voice tends to be more on the rock side but could as go to the R&B side so there is a lot of choices in what kind of direction he may want to go for a full length album.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just Feeling A Little Off Today But He Always Makes Me Smile

For some reason today I'm just feeling a little sad now I don't know what for but sometimes there is just an haunting sadness that washes over me at the most random times. Now yes I know that I could tell somebody like a friend, or a family member, and or even just type it all out here is which what I have chosen to do. Yet it's not for any kind of reason I'm not venting to a friend or family member but often I can't describe what I'm feeling so it makes talking too somebody else very difficult. So whenever I get like this I turn too an song, TV show, or a movie to help me fall out of reality but to fall into another story that switches off my problems and soothes my mind. Today's choice was Chocolat it's about a women and a daughter who move too a small little village in France and she decides to open up a chocolate shop within the town but much to the Mayor's disliking it becomes a hit with the towns people. The women becomes a helping hand to many of the people in the town to bringing back the spicy in a fizz out relationship, saving a women who has a abusive husband, and also bringing a sense of joy to a grandmother by meeting her grandson for the first time. Also the story goes on that women meets a man named Roux (Johnny Depp) who she falls for and he shows her that being yourself is the greatest person you can ever be. Overall all it's one of my favorite movies of his so when days like this come around somehow he can always put a smile on my face. This is a interview with Johnny just watching it brings a smile to my face. In some many ways I think he is just an amazing person but the way he speaks like he really thinks about what he wants to express and I wish more people took the time to think through what they want to say because then maybe our world wouldn't be so harsh.

Love, Tay

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sometimes You Just Need A Day To Chill

Ever since I began classes my weekends were meant for getting homework done and making sure I had everything in order for the upcoming week. Well that wasn't the case today I slept in which was nice to not have to worry about oh dang I only have this much time till I have too leave and you know rush out the door but to slowly wake up and get ready at my own pace. Honestly I spent my day in comfy clothes just binge-watching Gossip Girl on Netflix which is my new guilty pleasure it's just so interesting in it's twists and turns. My point being that sometimes we all need a day while we slow down and just hang out it really helps in that you regroup everything and it gives you a better sense of mind. Also today was my parent's wedding anniversay so that mean's they have been together for 33 years like to me that's such something to look up too. It's a life long marriage and they are just as in love as they were when they got married it's just adorable!

My Parent's are #LifeGoals!

Love, Tay

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Why Make Somebody Feel Insignificant

Today I had a interesting moment that happened too me in class which was that when the group I was in was working on a assignment we tend too just spur out information about how to complete the task at hand sometimes for me it's really hard because their is this one girl who I think she is great and just really fun to talk too but it's difficult to get a word in because she is always talking. That being said sometimes when our professor is teaching or another classmate is going over an idea she tends to have these side convo's now trust me our group can very well be the group who much rather hang out instead of pay attention yet the professor calls out only our group and to the point where he picks on us in whenever we answer questions or rises our hands too add something to the discussion he will play the "that's almost right" card on everything we say and it is starting too get to me like how do you not feel bad about your intelligence after that? It's just something that I will learn to have to deal with oh well :/  On the flip side tomorrow is Music Woo Hoo! Last class we talked more about the Beatles but also moved onto Bob Dylan who can I say really can write a great song. Personally I think it's how he can portray an social issue and really get the message across in such a grand way. I also like his songs because too me they are pure Outdoor School types of songs they actually would play one of his songs before lights out and it brings back happy memories of how fun that trip was. One word to describe his music is powerful because his music made people stop and listen to what he was really saying and what was going on during that era.