Thursday, October 29, 2015

Little Life Update

Sorry to all who read my blog but classes really got the best of me the past few weeks so I didn't have time to post anything which I'm very sorry about please forgive me! Okay enough of that lets you guys caught up so this week was midterms week which wasn't too horrible because in English we didn't have a specific midterm that we had to take but we do have this big essay that everyone is working on. The topic I chose was The American Dream and is that idea really dead? Personally I found it very interesting because I believe that yes of course that idea is still there but perhaps it's changed over the years. Since on Wednesday we spent the whole class in the library looking up different articles to use as research for our essay's I think I chose some good ones. As for Music Theory our midterm is just answering a few questions about our last unit that being the 50's so tomorrow my day is spent finishing answering those questions and then reading through all the articles and write down some points I want to speak about in my essay and hopefully begin the rough draft.

Now it's time to talk about fun stuff like talked in Music Theory was started talking about The Beatles which everyone seemed really into we got given this sheet of songs we are gonna look over but today's ones that stood out too me were.....

3. I Want To Hold Your Hand
The Thing that I love about this song is that it's just a simple love song that's really sweet and innocent it perfectly captures that era.

2. Yesterday
As for Yesterday it is really showing the talent of just Paul McCartney's voice with light backing instrumentals that is a song that is iconic in my eyes.

1. Twist and Shout
I knew of this song before but I didn't realize that John Lennon sang lead on it and I thought it was cool to hear his voice in a way that I haven't heard before.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Just Clicking

Well this is going to be a little update about life for me....

First of all I'm writing this while I'm sick :( blah a cold already I don't even know how it could start so damn early I hate how I can catch colds so fast... Anyways classes are going pretty good I have an high 90% in my english course I mean it's easy as hell I mean come on we are in freaking college you should know how to write a well read essay! As for my music theory I love it we just hit 1950's era so last class we talked about Elvis and how much of an crossover artist he really was because he did that Rock n Roll thing but has influences of country because he was from the south and grow up listening to Blues Records yet he also used a lot of steel guitar in his music which is something that came from Hawaii so that gave it an island favor. Learning about this music history is so much fun to me cause it just clicks so easily cause it's so interesting I wish every subject was like this for me. I also have an awesome professor that is super fun and just really outspoken so we get in a few laughs every class which just makes the class feel like we are just a group of friends talking about music it's a great vibe.

Since classes are going well I guess family life is okay too except today I had to miss a baby shower since I'm ill and I just saw pictures on fb and it all looked so adorable! Tomorrow is another family event hopefully I feel better in the morning (fingers crossed!) If not then oh well another boring day at home. It sucks because even if I text a friend she is never in the mood to talk and it seriously pisses me off because excuse me but I listen to you whenever you have meltdowns but I guess to talk to me is too much "work" to do. So fucked up just saying...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

When You're More In Love WIth The Memories Then Anything Else

For me this is going to be a very honest post because I'm really at my wits end with the whole subject in the first place. I have a very special friend actually she is my best friend that who has a whole other life that she is living and I'm not in it at the moment it really sucks. Knowing yes she is very busy with a full school load of classes, a crazy work schedule, and a significant other all of that takes up all of her time which doesn't surprise me because she is a very focused person but often I feel like she loses the people that were there with her from the start for example me. To be honest any contact has just stopped because I got so sick and tired of not responding or just "pretending not to notice" yet hello it tells me when you read the message... Just saying!  I feel like I don't have anything in common with her anymore and trust me I know how sad that sounds because its breaking my heart as I type this :(  Today I was watching this old crib's show that was showing homes of rockstars and as I was about to flip the channel it showed one particular rockstar that we have some inside jokes about and as usually I would just laugh or something remembering the joke but it just made my stomach sink in a way that I can only describe as lonely glimmer of a fire that was so strong that showed how wonderful our friendship was. It scares me to think is she going to even want too see me when she comes home for Christmas Break or if she even does because you best believe me if she does end up coming home and not evening saying a word to be then I will know that we are done because honestly I'm so done with feeling like I have to fight for damn attention... Who knows I guess we will see when the holidays roll around.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mean Looks Seriously?

FYI: This will be a short post but I had to write about it because I couldn't believe it.

So the other day in one of my classes I was just sitting waiting for my class to start since I usually end up getting there a half an hour before anyways I was chilling reading some of my book which is Slash's biography! I promise as soon as I finish it I will put up a book review because it's sooo good! in all the best ways ;)  Okay back to the story anyways I noticed oh I have about 15 minutes till it starts so I started making my way to the room then I saw this girl who is in my class so I sat down in one of the chairs that are set outside in the hall and as soon as I did she gave me the most nasty look I have ever gotten like WTF! First of all I DIDN'T SAY ONE WORD TOO HER why the hell is she giving me this rude looks? So of course I was super confused so I just brushed it off like okay maybe she is just having a bad day. Once class started we all sat down and my professor started teaching so class is going on and at least three freaking times she looked back at me I'm like okay seriously what is you're problem? Finally class ends and I turn in our quiz that we took and said something to the professor and once again gives me another bitch look by then I'm pissed so I just left because honestly why the hell are you give me these hella rude looks when I did nothing too you let alone say a word too you?

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Feeling Powerful

I survived my first two weeks of college classes which I can say that it's actually really enjoyable for me like I'm having fun. This week though had some issues like the fact that I got into a tiff with a family member because I asked her to give me a ride too school because I had HUGE blisters on the backs of my feet it hurt so bad that I couldn't walk very well and she through a huge fit and just treated me like an annoyance but it's nothing different cause I'm always seen as that through her eyes. Okay lets talk about English I made about three friends that we hang out together in class and make our own little group to do group work in. It's nice to fit in so well I wish I could say the same about Music Theory I love what we are learning and I feel so smart in that class too the fact of my professor said I have a great ear for music! OMG!!!! I heart almost skipped a beat because in my eyes that's such a compliant cause I take music very seriously. Right we are specifically talking about the beginning of the genre of "Pop Music" which actually came from this place called Tin Pan Alley is a area in NYC in the 1920's to 1930's. As for the title I lately feel very powerful perhaps it's because I let the mindset of that oh gosh my friends aren't talking too me they don't like me anymore cause that's such bullshit! We all have lives with school, jobs, family, it just takes more time to schedule to talk too each other. Also I just have been feeling more independent overall I think it's putting me in a better mood as well.

Life is pretty great at the moment :) -  Taylor