Friday, September 25, 2015

When Life Just Goes The Way You Want

So this week classes started and at the moment I'm only taking English and Music Theory or what my professor calls it "History Of Rock" and yes it's the perfect class for me because I finally don't have to feel shy because the other students like all of legendary artists I like as well. I think I have gotten better at being proud of the music I like because too bad if you don't and I will crank the volume to 10 and blast you out of the room ;) Yup that's just me. Honestly I'm so excited to see what all we will learn about because I'm not only interested in the music itself but how artists make records and what all goes into the process. For example we are learning about the start of American Music which were slave songs. Now I didn't know that they used them as alerts too others in case of a problem or escape. It's really becoming a favorite class for me :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

What If Life Had No Change In It?

Fair Warning- Talky Post!

As my summer comes too a close this weekend lol (I go back on monday) to college I found myself thinking about what happened this past summer which is a lot dealing with grief with losing my grandmother, issues with friends, going through all of my grandparents things, therefore meant a lot of time spent with my family which was actually pretty great because I always have filled my summers with friends as a way too not have to spend time with them (Teenager Ways) I guess but I think it brought me closer too them then I thought before. A example of that is the trip to Medford to visit my dad's mom and his family and for the first time as a whole family we had a blast it was crazy how much fun we had and I'm so glad I got to have that time. Another thing that I'm grateful for is my friend we will call her Brina really came through as a true friend. I can be a bit of a clingly friend because I always think well if they aren't talking too me anymore that they don't want too be friends which is completely untrue. The thought of everyone having adult lives and dealing with school, work, and basically just life was hard for me too lose that day too day contact but now I realize just because we don't talk everyday doesn't mean they don't care. I know if I need them they got my back! :)       Now starting school again I hope I love it because honestly I don't know what I want too do with my life but all I know is I want too love whatever I do. Classes that I will be taking are English and A music class called Music For The Listener which sounds very me since I'm a bit obsessed with music ;)  So I'm excited and I hope I like my professors (fingers crossed!)  Who knows maybe I will even meet a guy I'm keeping a open mind.  Honestly I'm strangely very happy at the moment it feels really nice. Too my surprise I have high hopes for this it may be my year.
         Okay it's time to explain the title of this post and it's because I have get caught up in any kind of change that tends to happen in my life but I was thinking what if life had no change at all it was totally planned out for you? If it was true then I think all of us would lead terrible boring lives because it's the little things in life that makes us happy like the way someone special looks at you, the smell of a family dinner, or a song that takes you back to the very first moment you heard it. That is the stuff that makes life so fun, crazy, exciting, and lastly different. No one has the same life you do so do something amazing with it!  Make memories and story's that you will tell you're grandkids one day.   - Taylor

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Great Documentary Find- Let's Spend The Night Together

(This is one of the five books she has written)


Pamela Des Barres is one hell of an women she is a former Rock n Roll Groupie, Author, Journalist, Teacher, and Mother. I came across this documentary on Youtube actually and remember me thinking oh this sounds interesting boy was it! Yes she has had affairs with Jim Morrison, Mick Jagger, and Jimmy Page just too name a few but she said in her first book this "First and foremost I was a music lover and truly I just wanted too be as close to the music as I possibly could" and that is the most amazing quote because I think the word "Groupie" has been a pretty trashed through the years because the true meaning of the word is that you're with the band. It had nothing to do with what people think of nowadays. To be honest Pamela hates using the word groupie and calls the women who she has spoken with and about Dolls. I really do like the fact that she is taking back the word and really standing up for women who love music! Anyways I would love too hear from anyone who watches it so don't be scared too comment! :) - Taylor

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Album Review- Hollywood Vampires

The band called the Hollywood Vampires include three very famous men which are Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Johnny Depp. Now the origin of the name is actually the name for a famous club of rockstars who would lurk in the darkness of the Rainbow Bar and Grill in West Hollywood in the 70's. As for where the idea came up is that both Alice and Joe wanted to pay tribute to their deceased friends and idols that meant a lot too them. Many of these songs that are on the album are covers now trust me I know what everyone thinks when musicians do a cover album it's basically a sign of saying their done in the music game but not with this album. It's a monster of badass, sexy, and dangerous rock n roll that I think the mainstream really needs at the moment. I'm so sick of hearing that Rock Is Dead when actually it's not. A bunch of new bands are coming up and showing respect to their influences. Back to the music on this great record the first song I heard was Whole Lotta Love now I love the original by Led Zeppelin so I was a bit nervous but oh my god! the start of it is this slow, dark alluring with the opening line " You need cooling baby I'm not fooling let me send you back too schooling" then boom into the rest of the song with these screaming loud guitars but with some of the notes being strung out to get a really cool sound too it. Next was I Got A Line On You was a song I didn't know but it's by a band called Spirit. It brings back the element of Punk Rock because it's just all about the energy and live performance which is what Punk was based off on. After was My Dead Drunk Friends that was actually written by all the members of the band. Too me it was the perfect brew of Alice in the way he words lyrics when he sings and the deep low backing vocals of Joe and paired with Johnny's guitar playing it really is something special. That song is where you put on you're best outfit and walk out with this attitude of I can take on the world. Likewise is Schools Out/Another Brick Wall is straight up a badass anthem that was created by the master mind of Alice is saying everything that a teenager feels towards life. On a few different occasions Johnny has played live with Alice and the way he plays lead guitar on this song shows that he is serious about this and it isn't just another actor trying to be like " Oh Look What Else I Can Do" type of thing he truly has a rockstar like aura about him. Lastly is the song My Generation by The Who this cover is just pure fun and attitude. The songs that I have spoken about in this post are personally my favorites on the record but overall the whole album is just pure magic and I love it. I'm hoping that they will tour this because I'm for sure buying myself a ticket! - Taylor

Friday, September 11, 2015

Growing Wiser In Life

Fair Warning- This will be a talky post!

I feel like this summer I personally did a lot growing up emotionally in that I tried really hard to figure out how to deal with my problems and issues in a more adult like manner because I noticed that I can be a bit selfish if I don't get exactly what I want. Realizing this made me want to change that about myself cause why be down about something if you tried you're best and that's all you can do. When working on that part of myself I felt like I gained more confidence within me cause I stopped being a doormat and started standing up for myself and saying if I didn't like something which is important for me cause I spent too many years relaying on my friends for happiness when I can be happy as long as I know they got my back and I'm trying to be open minded in that this rough patch I'm having will go away soon and everything will go back to the norm. It takes a lot for me to be at this point in that I will keep trying to stay in contact but if I don't see a change soon I honestly don't know what too do... Talking about this makes me want too cry because I don't want to lose this person because they mean the world too me and hopefully they will realize that they need me too.

   I like this new attitude that I have because I'm really not saying I'm sorry for who I am? Sometimes I often tell myself too stop being so crazy and weird but actually I decided too just be okay with myself and if people like it then great but if they don't then they aren't important too have around. Never change for someone! Always remember that because that's how you gain great friends and meet great people in life. I laugh at this very moment because now I get why music is such a big part of my life it's because it's what I turn too when I feel like I can't keep going, it relaxes me, brings me happiness, and lets me know being a person that's in touch with their emotions good or bad is okay. That's why I think music saves lives <3  Can't wait too see what I do this year I have high hopes :)
- Taylor

Friday, September 4, 2015

Strange Things Give Me Hope In Life

I'm a really big fan of the 1975 as you can probably tell if you guys have read my past post about them. I find a real comfort in these boys they are so soft as in how they portray their ballads and I always say it's great music for when you're just feeling like giving up on the world because that emotional term oil is shown in the music from their own pain and struggle in life so too me it's saying " It's okay hun you will get through this" and gives a nice strong loving hug. Sometimes that's all a person needs to be able to work through whatever it may be that's making them feel so down. I can be a pretty emotional person it always made me feel like I was just weak because a lot of things would get me down and I didn't really know how too work through them. As I got older and more mature I realized that I'm so in touch with my feelings is because I have a huge heart and care a lot about people and honestly want too see them happy. Now I have a little bit more of a back bone and don't let people walk all over me I am done being used! Matty really helped me get to this point because of his care-free attitude and doesn't really care if he says something that others don't like. I like that now I will put myself first! He also made me fall in love with the simpleness of black and white photos like the ones I have featured here. It really does give a special feel too the object or person the photographer is taking photos of. Another insight on myself is I say I often find beauty in odd things or unique people because it's true why love something that we see again and again when so many other ways of thinking, different looks, new types of art, etc can be shown?! I will leave you guys with that question. Let me know what you're thoughts are on it in the comments would love to hear from you guys! - Taylor