Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What am I even doing?

FYI- Talky Post

Do you ever feel like you have no idea what to do next in life? Cause that's how I feel at this very moment. On Sunday I spent time with Mom antiquing which was fun because the two places we went were really fun because it was filled with things like records,movie posters, and props from tv and movie sets. I enjoyed looking around mom found a couple of things and I got an rolling stones record with all of my favorite songs on it for 9$ it was an awesome find. While looking around mom asked me what I was going to do after the term was over my only two choices sadly are summer school or look for a job :( real adult life right? Getting a job scares me because I know I can do a job well but the interviewing process freaks me out. Mom brought up a great point saying I should getting into selling vintage clothes and records is what I'm really into whenever I'm in a antique place because I love fashion and of course music! It isn't a bad idea but how the hell do I get into something like that? where do I start? UGH! I miss summers use to be fun and so relaxed my dream for a summer is to go on tour with a band I don't know doing what perhaps being a stylist for stage clothes that would be so much fun! To get to travel the states on a tour bus just makes me smile because I'd be so happy and it's something that's been stuck in my head for a long time probably since I was about 12. That's when I really started to take music seriously because it's something I loved but that type of brain a creative, artistic mind I understand very well. Another reason why I'd kill to be able to go on a tour is because I'm so sick and tired of not having anything to show off on Facebook all my friends show off their jobs, relationships, achievements etc and I wanna shove a kick ass summer in all of their faces I know my friends don't mean to do that on purpose and I wouldn't take it as seriously as I do if I had something worth while to show off. No one knows how annoying it is to see their friends to be having their time of there lives which is what we should be doing in our early 20's! I just wish God would throw me a wonderful, crazy, story telling worth summer because I'd be so grateful....


Monday, May 16, 2016

Can't Wait For End Of Term!

FYI- Talky Post

I'm so beyond pissed because I have really enjoyed my Psych class until the moment when I accidentally turned in a assignment that was only half done because I put the other part into a different folder on my google drive so I decided to email her because I have a 70.86% in the freaking class and I'm not okay with that I need to rise my grade so I thought about if I email her explaining what had happened I'd get some points instead of a 0% on the assignment and she won't freaking reply back to my email! First of all I sent the first email in the afternoon on Friday at 3:00 pm so I'm like okay she will get back to me over the weekend then so I waited the whole weekend for this stupid email and I got NOTHING! So this morning I checked thinking okay she must have gotten back to me this morning since it's Monday right. Checked again and still nothing so I sent the same email at 8:32 am hoping that she will reply and I'm checking constantly and nope I honestly think she isn't answering my emails because she is seriously out to fucking get me. Trust me I'm not one of those students who think the teachers or professors are the problem because if you have a bad grade that's what you have earned! Excuse me for emailing you wanting to explain what had happened and show her I did the work but to really not reply for what fucking reason?!?! That's what I want to know because honestly that's not fucking fair okay don't give me the points for not getting it in on time but not to even reply back which takes all of 2 freaking minutes to do. UGH! I made sure I have every piece for this next writing assignment because I wanna shove it in her face because she's truly acting like a royal bitch at the moment and I'm not going to let my grade suffer just because she doesn't like me..... 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Music Fave- Avenged Sevenfold

Band Members From Left To Right: Johnny, Zacky, Matt,Synyster, The Rev

I found this band through a friend who likes rock/metal music a lot and she is always telling me to check out bands she has found so I'm like okay I'll give them a shot and the first thing I found was a song called "Nightmare" which starts off with this intro of somewhat creepy piano then the guitar and drums come blazing into the song and Matt starts to sing. I find metal drummers interesting because they can play so fast that the sound coming from them almost sounds like a machine instead of someone just playing the drums. Next up on my list of favorites is a song called "Welcome To The Family" what I love about this song is if you listen to the chorus you won't know it's a metal song at all at the most you'll think it's a pop rock song I enjoy how controlled Matt's voice is because of course he can scream and growl with the best of metal singers but theirs actually harmony within his voice when he is singing using a softer tone and drawing out the words. After thought the song Beast and A Harlot is on my list of songs I love because it's crazy fast with Zacky's and Syn's guitar work but also Johnny's thumping bass line which you can actually hear usually the bass is hidden in metal but you can really hear his tone when he play's. Probably because he doesn't use a pick he strums with his fingers which I think has a more vibrant sound. Moving on to a song called "Bat Country"
what I love about this one is the way Syn and Zacky have dwelling guitars cause it sounds so cool and badass because both of them are such great guitarists. Then both of them sing a part using falsetto and the first time I heard it seriously blew my mind! Lastly is my all time fave song by them which is "Scream" it's very groove heavy so it isn't their normal sound at all so it's cool to hear them do something different. This song is so freaking weird google the lyrics you will find out why ;) anyways I love Syn's guitar playing in this song so much that it almost puts me in a haze because it sounds so sexy! You could say that he may be my favorite band member he is just so sticking cute!
I'm such a fan girl for them now but seriously check them out!!

Love, Tay

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Feeling Stressed Out

FYI- Life Update

Usually I'm not one of those people who complain about professor because I always thought why you're going to be done with them in a term like come on just suck it up but nope not this term I have one professor that's legit out of her mind. First of all I just that she had a bad case of "word vomit" meaning she just didn't know when to stop talking and to learn to keep some things to herself. Now I often don't like those kinds of people cause I feel like when you do tell them stuff they will just say it to anybody so talking to them feels unsafe a lot of the time. So in class we have been working on our first essay I'm use to the idea of free writing, rough draft, and a final draft that is turned in for grading but nope not the way she is making us work she decides to have us write a rough draft to keep taking out things she doesn't like and put in parts she does like so basically she is writing our stories for us and I HATE THAT! excuse me but I just freaking met you for god sakes. It pisses me off because she wants us to write her way which from what she has explained to us is to write from a very dark, honest, and reflective place. I'm perfectly okay with that because I understand if you do write from that kind of real and honest place you're gonna end up with something pretty amazing. Except what I choose to write about isn't dark whatsoever I mean it's a bit sad when I think about it but it's nothing major compared to some of what the other people have wrote about.

I'm kinda over being pissed with my creative writing prof because of this cool assignment we are going to do tomorrow which is to pick seven songs that from ages 14-20 that meant something important to use. So of course doing an assignment like that is really fun for me because I love writing about music because honestly sometimes it's my only friend because it's so much easier to plug into my music than it is to talk out feelings with somebody who will have there own opinions about whatever you say. I'm super into the band Avenged Sevenfold it's the perfect type of music because it's hard hitting so it's wonderful if you angry about something. It's also a bit sexy I think they know how to market metal towards women cause M shadows (vocals) and Syn Gates (Lead Guitar) are sooooo cute how could you not love them ;)

Love, Tay