Friday, December 18, 2015

Stuck In A World Of Black and White

At the time personally I'm not doing so well one of my friends isn't speaking to me she is going through some stuff and I know she just needs to be embraced by her family during the holidays and feel connected with people because when she is on campus it can get lonely. It's tough for me to see my friends upset and how I can't do anything too help them :( Yet the most annoying thing about the issue is she can get stuck in her emotions and let them control her attitude. That's where the title of
"Stuck In A World Of Black and White" comes from it's like she is stuck in the dark side (black), and can't travel to the light side (white) which is sad because at this point in our lives you should be able to get yourself to a better mental state.

Also to mention I'm still not over this stupid guy.... :( I know I should be because he did do me wrong but I can't over how sweet and shy he was which is what really drew me. Any tips on how to cheer myself up?

Love, Tay

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Divide Between Mind and Heart

Over the past few weeks I haven't really been my normal self because sadly I can't seem to get over a boy who I thought I had a strong possible romantic connection with. Now the whole dating game I wasn't ever really good at because in my early teens I didn't have much self confidence at all so I played the "Oh they will come to me if they are actually interested in me" until I felt like by doing that I wasn't getting anywhere so then I began to take risks and start talking too more guys which ended helping a lot because now I have few really close guy friends who are just awesome. Yet I also had some bumps along the road those being the guys who I liked that never worked out. The first guy that I fell head over heels for lets call him B, he was a jock who played two sports and was very popular. However we ended up talking and getting too know each other and I thought finally a guy really likes me and truthfully I was so excited until I started noticing he began to be really controlling to the point where sometimes it was scary to be around him if something didn't go his way so then I stopped speaking to him because hell no man will ever tell me what too do or how to act! Once that blew up I met another guy who we will call M, He was another jock he played three sports but also had a soft side because he sang and that's something that has always drew me in was musical talent. We had been friends all four years of high school and we always had this back and fourth banter with each other so many people were wondering if we ever would get together but it wasn't ever the right time for both of us plus we both didn't want to possible risk our friendship. Then I began college and met this great guy who we will call him A, Oh he was so different from anyone I ever liked in school because he was shy and reserved. I'd catch him sneaking looks at me since I sat behind him in class and I thought wow that's really sweet. We started talking and the flood gates flew up because he was that creative type that I think I have always wanted because not only did he sing and play guitar but we had the same taste in music which is a huge plus in my check list! Well we had our first date after many endless FaceTime sessions that went on till the early hours of morning. He told me to be ready by 10:00 am and that was the only thing he was going to tell me. So he surprised me that morning by taking me to Elmer's (He took a mental note when I said my favorite food was breakfast). Then we went back to his apartment (I said that I would like to see his world), after we got there I was looking at his selves of movies he had he noticed and said "Pick any one and we will watch it" so I picked Gatsby cause it's one those films that gets better every time I watch it. He pressed play and we got snuggled up on his couch well half way through the movie we both ended up falling asleep and when I woke up the first thing he said too me was "You are so cute when you're sleepy" I was hooked from there so I thought everything was going great until after Thanksgiving Break he told me that him and his ex decided too get back together...... I'll be honest and say I'm a bit crushed because finally I had this dream guy who liked me for me and then he's gone just like that. I mean the worst part of all this is that he was honest with me and said he still really likes me and didn't know what too do and at that point I took the mature road and said do whatever you think is right so I'm guessing he got back with her because I haven't spoken too him or wanted too I just can't right now... Maybe sometime in the future but not now it's still to raw my question is how the hell do I make myself feel better?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Concert With Bestie- Hunter Hayes!

Last night I went to go the 98.7 the bull Santa Jam which showcased James Otto, A Thousand Horses, Maddie and Tae, and of course Hunter and it was so much fun! I went with a really close friend of mine and she was the perfect person to go with because she loves music just as much as I do. So much so that she is willing to listen to anything once so it makes her open minded and I really like that in people. Anyways so James Otto told a story about how his grandparents have been married for 50 years and he wrote a song about them it was really sweet. As for Maddie and Tae I wasn't so impressed with I did like their song called "A Girl In A Country Song" it's a very sassy song and watching them do it live was fun to watch. Next was A Thousand Horses and DAMN! they are amazing like the perfect brew of Rock and Country they reminded me a lot of Lynyrd Skynyrd which I liked because I love that sound. They sure knew how to crank up the sound and just rock out so they did great live. Then it came time for Hunter good lord he was so freaking good like I knew he had a great voice but some of the notes he hit we're out of this world!! Of course he is quite the cutie as well ;) It was a night I won't ever forget <3

Love, Tay

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When Something Great Ends

Sadly today was my last day of music theory it was a surprise I thought I would have two more classes but with all the performances going on it was just too much so he decided it was our last day and that just made my heart sink because I really loved this course it was finally something where I could just express my love for amazing bands and songs that are older than me but that's something I had always liked with Rock n Roll was their age never held them back and they are forever young. I mean if bands like Rolling Stones and Aerosmith still touring at ages 60-70 age doesn't mean a single thing! It was acceptable to nerd out and talk about everything from Lyrics, Instrumentals, Key Changes, Production Of Music, etc and it's just what I have came to love and now it's gone...
The real shitty thing is that I can't take anymore classes with this specific professor because I have no musical talent :'(

Love, Tay

(The Day The Music Died For Me)