Tuesday, February 7, 2017


FYI- Talky Post

I have always said friends can be the best and worst people in you're life because if it's the best you are on the same page about everything and always enjoying each others company yet, if it's the opposite those people you once knew for being there for you no matter what just stop caring. I have had a interesting experience recently and that is because I have been dying to go to a concert because hello that's where I'm the most happy! So my choices were Queen and Adam Lambert but all the way in Seattle who I'd want to go see them with is my mom because that's always been one thing we bonded over. Then the other is Green Day who are coming to the Rose Garden (Moda Center) on August 2nd which seemed the most doable. So I was on the hunt for someone to go with, An I asked "S" and she shot me down because she doesn't like their music which is like okay whatever. Then I remembered a friend who we will call her "K" we use to be so obsessed with this band in middle school so I ended up asking her and she said she'd love to go but she's having to move to the coast with her boyfriend because they are homeless but if they go back there his parents can get them a place. While we started talking turns out today she needed my help to return two things at Home Depot which we did and she kept thanking me over and over again and tomorrow we have plans to go for coffee! The reuniting was nice because I'd always help her if I could I'm not one of those friends who won't help someone out in a time of need just because we stopped being friends and lost communication with one another.
I have been so tired the past two night's I have been sleeping horribly just for the reason of not being able to get comfortable it sucks. So right now, I'm barely holding my eyes open.. :(

Ps, can't wait to see how tomorrow goes!  

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