Sunday, September 18, 2016

Song Review- Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul

Now I love almost everything about the 80's from the music, fashion, movies, etc so once I found this song I fell in love because it's seriously so badass! It's nice to see a woman stand up for herself in talking about unfair relationships. I first heard about this song while actually watching a interview of John Stamos joking about the song was about him. (they dated each other) sadly tho I don't know if it's true about him being unfaithful to Paula but it sure did make one hell of a hit in the year 89'. Plus the video was so amazing! the dancers were so great and created so many interesting new formations and movements it really did have it's own style of dance. I couldn't believe how fast some of those dancers including Paula herself were dancing or climbing on those boxes that were stacked on top of each other it had such clean lines through out the whole video I'm not surprised though it did will many awards at the VMA's that year. I can totally relate to the lyrics of liking a guy who let's just say has a "wandering eye" because their is always that thin line of unhealthily jealously and it creates so many problems in such a small amount of time. All though I understand when there's just one guy that everyone knows is no good at all but there's something inviting about him that you just don't care if you get hurt in the end.  Yes, there was a time I was I guess you can say the "other women" type of deal all though not really because said guy who I'll call "T" just broken up with his longtime girlfriend and who I happened to be in class with also with him as well and we'd use to flirt all the time because first of all he was just fun to be around with plus it use to drive the longtime girlfriend crazy and I liked getting a little bit of revenge because she was horrible to me would make fun of how I looked, what I wore, the way I spoke (I have a bit of a stuttering issue) just really made me feel so low so of course I liked throwing it in her face by talking to her ex. One time I remember is we were watching a movie in this class and once the lights turned off it got really dark especially if it was a cloudy grey kind of day outside. The way we sat we we're all the way in the back rows of desks closet to the right side of the wall and he'd rest his hand on my knee then slide it up to my thigh and I'd run my fingers through his hair above his neck you know teenagers shenanigans;) and it drove her mad but I knew I wasn't ever gonna date "T" or have a actually relationship with him because in Paula Abdul's words "He is a cold hearted snake!" so now whenever I hear this song I think of him and just shake my head because when are men ever gonna learn women ALWAYS have the last laugh in the end!

Love, Tay

Friday, September 9, 2016

New Artist Review- Frankie Ballard

I came across Frankie's music by actually flipping through channels on tv. As I was going through them I find CMT which is country music I find that genre of music to be really calming so I often turn it on when I'm doing chores around the house. Well Frankie's video for a song called Sunshine and Whiskey came on and it made me stop in my tracks and just watch and listen. After the video ended I really liked the song so I went to do some research and find out that was born in Michigan but moved to Nashville to pursue a career in music after hr graduated college where he was playing college baseball. I knew his music was special when his upbeat songs make me want to get up and dance whiling singing along to ever word. Yet as soon as you listen to one of his ballads the emotion hits every nerve in your body. So here's my top 5 fave songs go listen :)

5. Sunshine and Whiskey-
At first listen you hear this steady beat of drums with a nice acoustic guitar floating over it. The lyrics read as if you're falling in love with a summer fling someone who you find so interesting that you get tunnel vision and can only really focus on that one person. A great line in the song goes" I was driving south with the top drop down, her hair in the wind, Tom Petty playing loud." It spoke too me cause it's it reminded me of going on a road trip and somehow they're was a Tom Petty song playing in the background while I looked outside the window. Plus there is also a killer guitar solo he does which gave the song some edge.
4. Young and Crazy-
A lot of Frankie's music is very guitar driven because he is firstly a guitar player it's what his music thrives on the real meat of most of his tracks. This song tells a story that everyone should live life to it's fullest. Make crazy memories that will make for a great story later in life. It's a real positive vibe!
3. I'm Thinking Country-
First of all the banjo actually really makes this song because it fits so perfectly to what Frankie is talking about which is getting away from the city and go out on up land and have a bon-fire with friends and live it up! Everyone can understand needing to get away from day to day life even if you can't escape in real life this song is a nice filler for that feeling. I also get major summer vibes from this track I can imagine myself sitting by the river listening to that on loudest setting of the speakers and rocking out.
2. It All Started With A Beer-
UGH!!! I swear this one song is just amazing! It's tender yet reflective, as well as romantic and a bit sad which always seems to produce the best ballads from an recording artist. This song greatly paints a picture of just one moment in time where your with someone special just the two of you enjoying each others company and being love wether it be from the buzz or just staring into each others eyes all night it's so sweet. Oh My God the slide guitar lifts this song to newer heights it sets such a unique tone to the song it's sexy but a soft sound it pairs wonderfully with Frankie's voice on the track.

1. Cigarette- the guitar comes in plucking a few notes then Frankie's voice comes in talking about wanting to get the attention of a women so bad that everything she does just entices him further. It's a very sexy sounding song it's a mix of an 80's song with the synth keyboards mixing with 70's southern rock tendencies.

Go Check Frankie!!

Love, Tay

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

You've Changed

FYI- Talky Post

I think the phase "You've Changed" is a double edged sword meaning it's used as a negative attack on somebody who isn't the "same" person you may have liked once before. It's almost always said in a cold way as if the person they are saying this too is almost dead to them. Sadly, I have said this phase a few times before and now I look on it realizing how wrong I was for saying that because I didn't understand the deeper emotional meaning of those words also how I felt during the time I said it. As children we group each other into category's based on how similar we are to each other and that's how we start to make friends and I can say that's how I looked for friends growing up and I take friendships very seriously as I'm sure anyone who reads my blog can tell and about two years ago I went through a very tough time in my life I graduated high school and had an amazing summer spent with friends and family pretty much just loving life. Well, summer ended as it does and all my friends were heading off to college and I had no idea of what I wanted to do with my life or if I even wanted to attempt going to college because I struggled so much with not only the work but feeling so run down to the point where I just wanted to be done that I hated learning at that moment. When I really I do like learning I have such a strong passion for history, culture, and art that anything in those subjects I'm drawn too. It's like once I realize I like learning about a certain subject I really jump into it as if I obsess about it and won't stop till I know everything about that thing, person, etc. Once I was pushed to take the leap and start taking classes at a community college that I finally realized I could take classes and get the grades that I always wanted A's to be honest it restored my faith in that I am smart but in a creative way and not much in the logical way which is just fine because I finally think I know a career path I'd like to go down and that is to be a writer for a music magazine or a music historian because I'd be doing something I truly love yes it's a dream job but it's something I really want so I'm going to work my ass over to get there! Knowing that I changed in as little as a term of college I finally started to see how the words I spoke to some of my closest friends when they were going off to university was said out of a place of hurt and feeling abandoned because I felt left behind because I didn't know what I wanted too do with my life. Some of the abandoned feelings stemmed from going to speaking to my friends everyday sometimes all day to radio silence for weeks on end and too me it was like they didn't care about me anymore when actually they were just busy with classes, homework, papers, work, other activities, new friends, and new significant others. Once I began filling my time with classes, homework, papers, new friends, failed romantic conquests :/ I knew the feeling of not having enough time to eat some days let alone text a friend back or have a phone chat with them (Boy do I miss talking to people on the phone for hours!) it finally registered in my head what it was like for them on their side. The hardest part is knowing way to go in a friendship that has lasted 8 years (D) is how to start a new chapter in our friendship now that I have changed/grown up as well as she has I think I need to start making an effort to keep in contact because I've left it be for awhile when I shouldn't have. Then other closest friend (B) is leaving in three days to study aboard program for 3 months I'm gonna miss her so much but I'm so excited for her as well so I think I'll just be so excited for her to come home to tell me all about it!! So school starts for me on the 26th of this month and I'm excited to just jump in and see what happens :)

Love, Tay