Tuesday, March 21, 2017

When Other's Don't Take How You Feel Into Consideration..

FYI- Talky Post

So recently, I was going to meet up with a friend to go have ice cream and chat up since this particular term has been super crazy for both of us. Sadly, though plans got cancelled because she needed to finish this one essay that needed to be turned in the next day and she barley had two paragraphs written down so I was like, okay no problem we will just reschedule when she comes back from Cali from visiting her dad. For me that wasn't an issue because I know I can hold her to her word that we will hang out once she gets back. I had a similar situation about wanting to make plans to hang out with my friend "S" over spring break since we don't really get to see each other much because she is really busy with school, work, other issues distractions from boys or other friends and family. Basically, I don't see her much and was looking forward to chilling with her over our break. Well, of course nothing Taylor ever wants to go her way because I found out she's going on a trip to Disneyland with her dad and siblings which is great yet, I asked if it was for all of break or just some of it cause I was just gonna wait to hang out till she got back. Turn's out it's for all of break so once again I'm like great I will be alone all of spring break... So to try to cheer myself up I asked her to hang out before she is going to leave and of course she has two big tests and like three huge essay's to finish so it didn't work out. To be very honest, I'm a little disappointed for the simple fact that I don't think she realizes how much I miss seeing her in person. I mean, we text quite often but sometimes it becomes cold as if I'm annoying her because I wanna talk to her.  Or even worse when I do text or message her and get no response because that actually says a lot more than saying that you don't want to speak it's telling that specific person that they don't care. That's what hurt's the most.. I guess it's also from getting a text from my ex bff "D" this weekend we had a small convo it didn't last long they never do. My biggest issue is hearing the word's "I'm Busy" is at some point PEOPLE MAKE TIME FOR THE ONES THEY CARE ABOUT! It's as simple as that and God! I'm so beyond frustrated being the one that's always get's left behind it's created so many issues deep within myself because I let this people who are suppose to be my best friends in the world treat me this way. It's just that I'm so scared to lose people who have had such an huge impact on my life for years to just be gone. As, I write this with tears running down my face with my heart sunken so low into an ocean of disbelief.